Honeybell Sherbet

Monday, February 1, 2010


Believe it or not, the temperatures around here have been creeping up into the 70’s the past several days. That sure is a far cry from the arctic blasts we were getting a mere few weeks ago! Who knows how long it will last, though. One thing I’ve learned about living in Florida is that our Winter weather can be unpredictable. It could be 80 degrees one day and 50 the next. While I had a window of opportunity, I hauled out my ice cream machine to make this light and refreshing Honeybell Sherbet.

What are Honeybells? I’m glad you asked!


A Honeybell is a specific hybrid citrus fruit that is made by crossing the “Duncan” grapefruit and the “Darcy” tangerine, (a mandarin orange). It was developed in Florida by the United States Department of Agriculture in the early twentieth century. The Honeybell combines the sweetness of the mandarin with the tart flavors of the grapefruit. It has a vibrant red-orange color and is only available from late December through February. You may be familiar with this fruit by its original name, “Minneola”. The name was changed as a marketing gimmick designed to persuade more people to try them, particularly tourists. I suppose Honeybell does sound a bit more glamorous than Minneola does. And, they are kinda, sorta bell-shaped. Whatever. One thing they definitely are is exceptionally sweet and juicy – perfect for granite, sorbets and sherbets.


We have a new Farmers Market here in town that is located just about a mile from my house. It’s not terribly big, but each week a few more new vendors show up. One of the best things about it is that it takes place on Wednesday afternoons. No more getting up at the crack of dawn on Saturday mornings! Plus, there is plenty of parking, so no more fights with pushy little old ladies over parking spaces! I try to head over there each Wednesday around noon time to do a little shopping, have a little lunch and pick up a bag of fresh, hot, homemade doughnuts to take home. (Those doughnuts are TO.DIE.FOR! I’m soooo planning a whole post about them!)


On my last excursion, one of the grove stands had a ton of gorgeous Honeybells. I greedily grabbed about a dozen, with visions of scrumptious, citrus-y baked goods dancing in my head. After eating a few out of hand, some were earmarked for muffins. With the weather warming up, I thought it would be nice to turn a few into something cold and slushy. While looking for a sorbet recipe, I found a super easy recipe for orange sherbet from Alton Brown that I liked. Sherbet is a richer, creamier cousin to sorbet. In fact, the only real difference between them is that a sherbet is made with milk. I immediately thought of Creamsicles. Oooh! I LOVE Creamsicles! I looked no further.


I pretty much followed Alton’s recipe exactly, except that I swapped out the orange juice for…Honeybell juice, of course! Preparing the base for this sherbet literally took me less than FIVE minutes. Since the ingredients were already cold, the base hardly needed any chilling time at all.

I scraped out the insides of the Honeybell rinds and used them as little serving cups for the sherbet. I also topped them with little candied Honeybell curls. Don’t they look cute?


My Honeybell sherbet was not only pretty to look at; it was so delicious too! If you can get your hands on some of these little gems, go for it and make your own little bowls of sunshine. Even if you don’t make sherbet with them, you won’t be disappointed. But, hurry! They’ll only be around for a few more weeks.



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Filed Under: Desserts, Ice Cream and Frozen Treats, Quick and Easy, Recipes

Tags: citrus, Honeybells, Minneolas, sherbet

24 responses to Honeybell Sherbet

  1. On February 01, 2010 at 9:29pm, Dave -nibbleanibble said...

    I used to do something similar, except with jello. What I would do is squeeze all the juice out of an orange and fill it with orange flavored jello. After everything is all set and done, we will have orange jello dessert.

    Slice them up and it’s kind of like orange slices,except…it’s jello.

  2. On February 01, 2010 at 10:00pm, Manggy said...

    Don’t worry, it’s minus 1 degree Celsius here (er… 27F?) but I still eat ice cream 😉 That looks so wonderfully creamy! It’s so weird but I’ve never had a citrus-flavored sherbet before. It’s always been sorbet. I think I may have to remedy that stat!

  3. On February 01, 2010 at 10:25pm, nina said...

    Susan, what a delight to look at…….I can imagine serving a full tray of these at my next party…..I live the small portions….very cute!!!

  4. On February 01, 2010 at 10:38pm, Amy said...

    This looks gorgeous…and tasty to boot! I will bookmark this to try it when we unthaw here and the temperatures rise. That might not be until July, but I will remember it, I promise!

  5. On February 01, 2010 at 10:40pm, Memoria said...

    Yeaaa, I’ve missed your lovely ice cream shots!! This looks fantastic and refreshing. YUMMY!

  6. On February 01, 2010 at 10:49pm, Tori {Thoughtfully Simple} said...

    I agree with Nina, I would love to see these in mini versions all in neat rows atop a serving tray ready to be passed out to guests. Yummy!

  7. On February 01, 2010 at 11:37pm, Donna said...

    I don’t even care for sweets or ice cream, but that looks and sounds yummy! I think I will try to make some. They are still called Minneolas here, though.

  8. On February 02, 2010 at 2:45am, jmisgro said...

    Oh, I’m gonna remember this one for when we get a larger place and I can buy a food processor. It would work well with the mararins we have here in Sicily!

  9. On February 02, 2010 at 3:38am, Rosa said...

    A delightful sherbet! Marvelous!



  10. On February 02, 2010 at 3:59am, Coleen's Recipes said...

    ABSOLUTELY award winning photos….just beautiful!!!

  11. On February 02, 2010 at 5:07am, Romy said...

    GREAT pictures, I love your little twists of candied peel! They are still called Minneolas here in Switzerland, I saw some at the grocery store just yesterday. What a great idea to turn them into sherbet… now I just need to get myself the ice cream maker I’ve been wanting for ages!

  12. On February 02, 2010 at 9:18am, bellini valli said...

    Hmmm, I need to put Honeybell’s on my list to try.

  13. On February 02, 2010 at 11:31am, Rachel (S[d]OC) said...

    For the past two or three years my MIL has been sending me cases of Honeybells and of course I have to figure out what to do with them, which makes my blog rather orange-centric for a while. I guess she thought I complained too much, because I didn’t get my shipment this year.

  14. On February 02, 2010 at 12:01pm, chocolate shavings said...

    Beautiful photos and your sherbet looks delicious!

  15. On February 02, 2010 at 12:13pm, Jennifer @ maple n cornbread said...

    Such beautiful bright pictures! The sherbet sounds sooo amazing!

  16. On February 02, 2010 at 1:25pm, AshaLatha R K Prasad said...

    Lovely are those pics, depicting the yumminess of the preparation!!!!!!


  17. On February 02, 2010 at 2:10pm, Lucy said...

    Honeybells sound delicious - and what a pretty name! I haven’t seen them around here before, but this sherbet looks truly scrumptious.

  18. On February 02, 2010 at 5:38pm, laura said...

    How gorgeous. This is my first visit to your site and I hope to return often!

  19. On February 02, 2010 at 6:21pm, alice said...

    Beautiful pictures! I don’t think we get honeybells here but I’m going to make this with tangerines.

  20. On February 02, 2010 at 6:27pm, Shirley @ gfe--gluten free easily said...

    Have never heard of honeybells, but I’d sure like to try them. This sherbet looks so refreshing. One of our local Italian restaurants has a dessert like this (in the orange rind half) and it’s my favorite! They add some Grand Marnier to their sherbet, which I adore. Love the honeybell peel bows and twists-so pretty!


  21. On February 02, 2010 at 9:37pm, Michelle said...

    Mmmm… LOVE Honeybells and I love this sherbet!!

  22. On February 02, 2010 at 10:45pm, MaryBeth said...

    Simply adorable and I bet it has the best flavor ever.

  23. On February 04, 2010 at 3:02pm, Nicole Spasiano said...

    so this just validates order I just placed for honeybells! Hope they like the trip up to MA! Ahh now i must buy an ice cream maker!!

  24. On February 05, 2010 at 6:29pm, Maybe said...

    I love the “fruity cups”, that’s so original !! I didn’t know anything about sherbet before so thank you for the discovery :o)

1 pings to Honeybell Sherbet

  1. On January 28, 2012 at 10:30am, Not Just Any Old Citrus | The Kitchen Councelor pinged...

    […] a pomelo, the fruit resembles a juicy orange with a tangerine flavor. Try refreshing honeybell sherbet or Honeybell Ginger […]

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