Breakfast at Tiffanys Roundup (Chicks in a Nest)

Friday, July 31, 2009


It’s time again for another great Dinner and a Movie roundup. July’s movie selection is the delightful, yet occasionally dark film, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, directed by Blake Edwards and starring the luminous Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard.

While the reception I received upon choosing this film for DaaM, was generally quite positive, there was also some negative feedback too. I have agonized for days as to whether I should even bring this up or not, but I feel I that I need to address it before getting into the roundup. There has apparently been a lot of controversy surrounding Breakfast at Tiffany’s regarding the negative Asian stereotype created by Mickey Rooney’s portrayal of Mr. Yunioshi, Holly’s “Japanese” neighbor in the movie. I’m not normally a political person and I try to avoid controversy whenever possible. However, some people that I respect and admire were upset by this. I just want it to be crystal clear that it was never my intent to offend anyone by selecting this film for DaaM, especially those I consider to be friends! I do not condone this, or any stereotypes of any kind, be they racial, ethnic or gender related. Being an Italian-American, I am all too familiar with these kinds of labels! If I was insensitive in my choice of Breakfast at Tiffany’s, I apologize. I picked it because it was an old classic and a childhood favorite of mine. Now, I’d like to move on to the happy ending.


For my contribution to this month’s DaaM, I’ve prepared a nifty little breakfast dish I call Chicks in a Nest. The “nest” is a cup made out of shredded hash brown-style potatoes, and and the “chicks” are scrambled eggs which are served inside.


This is a really easy dish to prepare, and it looks so darn cute! It is also a great dish to serve on a buffet table because each serving is completely self-contained and can just be picked up and popped on a plate. You can certainly use whole potatoes and shred them yourself, but I tried these with the kind that comes pre-shredded in the refrigerator section of my market. They worked just fine and saved me, not only some time, but from skinning my knuckles on my grater!

Since we are talking Tiffany’s here, I decided to get a little fancy with my nests and added some finely diced ham and shredded cheese to the potato mixture. To make them look like “nests”, I spooned the mixture into muffin tins and pressed it up the sides of each. Then, I took a spoon and lightly punched down the center of each to prevent them from “puffing up”. The nests were then baked in the oven for about 25 minutes.

I served these little guys with a dollop of crème fraiche and a little red caviar on top. I think that some snipped chives would also be great, but I didn’t have any.


*Note: Another variation of this dish is to pop a poached egg into each potato nest instead of using scrambled eggs. You might also try filling each cup with a raw egg and baking it right along with the potato nests. I haven’t tried this, so if you do, let me know if it works.

And now, for the rest of the Roundup:


Cakelaw from Laws of the Kitchen sent over the perfect bite to enjoy with your morning coffee – Apricot Danish Twists. She says that she made them, inspired by the memorable opening scene of the movie where Holly stares longingly into the Tiffany’s store window while sipping a coffee and nibbling on a danish. Thanks, Cakelaw!


Flory from Sugar Sublime says, “I didn’t think sweet, kooky, tough cookie Holly Golightly could be pinned down by just one dish, so I decided to make several that to me express different aspects of the film. Breakfast at Tiffany’s embodies elegance, so I went for dishes that would be at home in New York City, whether in an apartment or - hopefully - at Tiffany’s. They’re at once complex, familiar and exotic - just like Holly.”

Flory’s offerings include Whiskey Cappuccino, Top Banana-Cinnamon Toast, Crème Fraiche Ice Cream, L’Etoile and Lemon-Mint & Rose Turkish Jelly. I must say, any of these delightful offerings would be a treat to have in and of themselves. Thanks, Flory!

dsc03866 (4)

Zabeena from A Lot on My Plate explains, “I thought I couldn’t possibly invent something that would be good enough to reflect this superb film, given my draw-backs of only allowing myself a drastically reduced list of ingredients, after being seriously ill. And then it came to me in a flash: The Little Black Dress Diet! The book has Holly Golightly on the cover, and the contents of my cocktail represent gold, rubies and sapphires.”

Zabeena very aptly calls her dish “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. It is a lovely mixture of grilled pineapple and berries tossed with spices, sugar and local honey and served, (of course) in a cocktail glass. A truly creative and inspired dish! Thanks, Zabeena!


The adorable and clever Mark from No Special Effects sent over a traditional Filipino breakfast dish called Ruins Longanisang Hubad. Mark says, “Watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s, I began to think about how I needed to better inform people about my Asian heritage, and what better way to start than with how we eat breakfast? Longanisang hubad (or skinless/naked Filipino sausage) is a popular breakfast item, and this is the famous recipe from my family’s favorite restaurant.” Thanks, Mark! It really looks wonderful!

Breakfast Pizza

Holly from Holly Hadsell Entertaining sent over the most fabulous looking Breakfast Pizza! Holly explains that, “Since I was named after Holly Golightly, I had to submit a recipe this month and Breakfast Pizza seemed very appropriate.”

She was actually named after Holly Golightly! How cool is that!?!? Thanks so much for sharing, Holly!


Val from More Than Burnt Toast is one of my favorite blogging buddies. I can always count on her to come up with something unique and delicious, and her entry does not disappoint! Val whipped up a droolworthy Breakfast Salad, inspired by Canadian chef, Ned Bell. It’s a modern twist on breakfast, combining Okanagan chevre goat cheese, crispy bacon and a combination of mesclun greens with a tangy dressing. She serves it alongside fresh slices of Okanagan nectarines and cherry plums. What a perfect way to start any day! Thanks, Val. It looks dreamy!


My super-talented co-host, Marc from No Recipes contributed his “inauthentic” version of Chop Suey, which is a stir-fried dish which can include a variety of meat and vegetables in a cornstarch thickened sauce. While the actual origin of the dish is sketchy, it has become synonymous with American Chinese food.

Mark says, “I chose to make this dish because there was a time, not so long ago when all Asians were Orientals* and all Orientals ate Chop Suey. As the quintessential yellowface of the culinary world, Chop Suey seemed like the perfect dish to represent Mickey Rooney’s role in the film.”

Thanks, Marc. Wherever it came from, it looks fantastic!


Claire from Colloquial Cooking sent over Pierre Herme’s Diamants au cacao (cocoa diamonds). She says she chose them “because Tiffany’s diamonds provide Holly with a sense of comfort, and so do Pierre Hermé’s “diamants”. These “diamonds” are a rich, buttery sable cookie accented with cocoa and cinnamon. I think these cookies are the perfect way to end our Breakfast at Tiffany’s inspired buffet! They look divine! Thanks for sharing them, Claire!


On behalf of Marc and myself, I’d like to thank everyone who joined us for this month’s Dinner and a Movie event. For our August movie, Marc has selected Wall Street, a 1987 classic starring Michael Douglass and Charlie Sheen. Wall Street is the quintessential film about greed and ruthless ambition in the corporate world.


Watch the movie, let it inspire a dish, and post it on the 20th of August. If you want more details or want to see some of the past roundups, check out the event page.

29 responses to Breakfast at Tiffanys Roundup (Chicks in a Nest)

  1. On July 31, 2009 at 7:43pm, Jen @ MaplenCornbread said...

    Oh I love this! What a fantastic post! I love the DInner and a Movie theme! Those chick cups are awesome!

  2. On July 31, 2009 at 8:46pm, Rosa said...

    What a wonderful roundup! Everything looks fantastic!



  3. On July 31, 2009 at 9:46pm, Frieda said...

    Those chicks in a nest….I would definitely make them! I wouldn’t worry too much about the choice of movie…people need to keep in mind the time/era that the movie was produced!

  4. On July 31, 2009 at 10:33pm, Donna said...

    This all was so great… I loved the chicks in a nest… and that movie was the best…. I just love Audry Hepburn… Have a fun filled day!!!


  5. On July 31, 2009 at 10:48pm, Jen of a2eatwrite said...

    Such a wonderful round-up, Susan, and I love your eggs in a nest! Cute and delicious. I loved the entries and the reasons behind them and just wish I could have joined this month - it’s been a crazy one for me.

    It’s weird, but I’d blanked out the Mickey Rooney portrayal - as it’s come back to me, I understand the points that were made, but I also feel it’s an advantage that I think many people HAVE blanked that out - it’s a throw-away performance in our contemporary eyes. Does that make sense?

    • On July 31, 2009 at 11:26pm, Susan said...

      Don’t sweat it, Jen. Summer is always such a busy time. I haven’t been able to participate in half the things I’ve wanted to, much less make the blog rounds. Can’t wait for school to start again so I can get my routine back! :)

  6. On July 31, 2009 at 11:15pm, Manggy said...

    Great roundup, Susan! And you have an original breakfast here- four classic treats in one! Delicious! :)

  7. On July 31, 2009 at 11:27pm, Susan said...

    Thanks, Everyone! So glad you enjoyed the roundup. I was very impressed with the creativity this movie inspired. All of the entries submitted were so fabulous! 😀

  8. On August 01, 2009 at 4:10am, Coleen said...

    The little nests are SO CUTE..and sound very tasty (except for the fish eggs) lol.

  9. On August 01, 2009 at 9:29am, Carol, Simply...Gluten-free said...

    Thos chicks in a nest are so cute! Loved the round up. Think I am going to have to participate in one of these since there is nothing I like better than dinner and a movie!

    • On August 02, 2009 at 1:02am, Susan said...

      We’d love to have you join in, Carol! :)

  10. On August 01, 2009 at 10:48am, Bellini Valli said...

    Anyone one of these delicious breakfasts would engage us on a quiet morning Susan. Breakfast at Tiffany’s is a movie classic.

  11. On August 01, 2009 at 11:17am, Michele said...

    OMG! I love those little chicks in a nest! I’m definitely making that for my next brunch! I love how they are already portioned out! So cute!

  12. On August 01, 2009 at 11:40am, noble pig said...

    What a beautiful roundup! I think they could serve it all at Tiffany’s while shopping for baubles.

    • On August 02, 2009 at 1:03am, Susan said...

      Oooh! I LOVE shopping for baubles! 😀

  13. On August 01, 2009 at 3:35pm, Marthe said...

    Love the new look of your blog!! I’m thinking about having a new look custom designed for mine but don’t have a lot of money to spend right now….

    • On August 02, 2009 at 1:05am, Susan said...

      I know what you mean. I saved up for a year to do mine!

  14. On August 02, 2009 at 1:47pm, maris said...

    All of these yummy looking breakfast dishes are making me wish I had something better than a lame English muffin this morning!

    I loved reading Breakfast at Tiffany’s. I wish i had Audrey Hepburn’s sense of style!

  15. On August 02, 2009 at 5:06pm, Babycakes said...

    Your chicks in a nest idea is wonderful. I think it’s a fantastic buffet breakfast food and so versatile. I will definitely be making that.

  16. On August 03, 2009 at 10:16am, Krystle said...

    I love this! How cute with your dinner and a movie theme!

  17. On August 06, 2009 at 1:30am, Marc @ NoRecipes said...

    Great roundup! Love the chicks in a nest concept. I may have to give this a try on an upcoming camping trip where i’ll inevitably be feeding a large group breakfast.

  18. On August 07, 2009 at 3:31pm, Colloquial Cook said...

    I look forward to participating again next time there’s a movie I know, it’s such fun! Thanks for the great roundup!

  19. On August 10, 2009 at 11:08pm, Cakelaw said...

    Hi Susan, I am wildly behind with my comment, but wanted to say thanks for choosing this movie, and for this fun round-up. Mickey’s character is such a tiny component of an overall wonderful movie - my everlasting memories of the movie are of the fabulous dialogue, great 1960s sets and costumes, and the offbeat but endearing love story. Thanks!

  20. On September 22, 2012 at 11:10am, Doug said...

    Use more than a lightly sprayed pan, just made this and allof them stuck to the pan. Ihad to scrape them out but they still tasted good. Next time i will try a heavy spray.

  21. On November 19, 2012 at 5:58pm, Elizabeth said...

    I found this recipe on Pinterest today and decided to make it for dinner tonight. I did change a few things, though. I baked the hash browns like said in the recipe, except I greased that pan sooo much with butter. Lol. Anyway, I let the hash browns cool down while I mixed up some eggs, heavy cream, chopped bacon, tons of cheese, and of course salt and pepper. I put the hash browns back into the muffin pan and filled each one about 3/4 of the way up with the egg mixture. I baked it for approx. 10-15 minutes (if even that long) and they turned out AMAZING ! My boyfriend absolutely loved these!! Thank you so much for posting this recipe. I definitely recommend it to everyone and suggests baking the eggs in it afterwards.

  22. On March 14, 2013 at 8:28pm, Tanya said...

    Can I shredd regular potatoes instead of getting the hash browns? If yes, can u give me info on it like do I need to cook it or fry it?

    • On April 04, 2013 at 12:17am, Della said...

      I would put peeled potatoes through the food processor using the shredder blade. I would then put them in a bowl of water. I would also use the food processor to shred up the onion. When you’re ready to make the cups, take the potatoes out of the water, place them in a dish towel, and squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. Place the potatoes in a bowl then add the onion, flour, and eggs and continue with the recipe. I do the same thing to make latkes. Good luck.

  23. On April 17, 2013 at 8:38pm, Karen Kelly said...

    Love the chicks in a nest, but have a question, can I make the cups the evening before and how would they be best reheated?

  24. On February 01, 2016 at 5:28pm, J martin said...

    These were really good but they stuck to the pan. Definitely worth trying this again, might try just as a tray.

8 pings to Breakfast at Tiffanys Roundup (Chicks in a Nest)

  1. On August 18, 2009 at 2:26am, 75 Comedy Films to See Before You Die pinged...

    […] the process, his mind rebels and fights to hold on to the events, no matter how painful. 49. Breakfast at Tiffany’s - Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard star in this romantic comedy based on the novel by Truman […]

  2. On August 31, 2012 at 7:28am, Breakfast at Tiffanys Roundup (Chicks in a Nest) | Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy | A Blog About Food with a Little Life Stirred In pinged...

    […] Breakfast at Tiffanys Roundup (Chicks in a Nest) | Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy | A Blog About Food …. Posted in Healthy Yummy Food Add a comment Cancel reply? […]

  3. On February 23, 2013 at 8:07am, Chicks in a Nest - scrambled eggs in a hash-brown crust. | pinged...

    […] entry: stickygooeycreamychewy Category: Inspiration Tags: Chicks, crust., eggs, hash-brown, Nest, […]

  4. On April 06, 2013 at 2:22am, Chicks In A Nest Breakfast - The Frugal Female pinged...

    […]   Source: Sticky Gooey Creamy Chewy […]

  5. On April 20, 2013 at 5:56pm, Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) - The Classic Film Resource | The Classic Film Resource pinged...

    […] Photo Credit: Sticky, Gooey, Creamy Food Blog […]

  6. On April 26, 2013 at 8:41pm, Breakfast at Tiffanys Roundup (Chicks in a Nest) | Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy | A Blog About Food with a Little Life Stirred In pinged...

    […] Breakfast at Tiffanys Roundup (Chicks in a Nest) | Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy | A Blog About Food …. cheese eggs hash browns […]

  7. On June 21, 2013 at 3:54pm, Favorite Pinterest Finds - Thrifty T's Treasures pinged...

    […] source […]

  8. On August 31, 2013 at 10:46am, Chicks in a Nest: Hasbrown Cups with Eggs | The PinterTest Kitchen pinged...

    […] for a brunch. Here is another recipe to use for a brunch. I pinned a version of this recipe from They are also made in a muffin pan like the ham and egg […]

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