Faux Nutella Recipe

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I’ve made no secret about the fact that I’m addicted to Nutella. Just leave me alone with my own jar of that creamy, dreamy, chocolatey deliciousness and a great, big spoon, and I’m happy. But, let’s face it. Nutella isn’t exactly considered a health food. It contains gobs of sugar and smaller amounts of some yucky stuff like palm oil and artificial vanilla flavoring, whatever that is. In light of my obsession, I can live with that. But, considering how much Nutella actually consume, I thought I should maybe look into some other options. read more >>

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Get Your Game on for the Super Bowl Tex- Mex Style (White Chicken Chili Recipe)

Sunday, January 30, 201117 Comments

Next Sunday is not just any old Sunday. It’s Super Bowl Sunday! If you’re anything like me, by kick-off time you’ll have a houseful of hungry football fans who need food. And it had better be good food too. Food-deprived, beer-soaked, Super Bowl revelers can be a dangerous thing! …

Nutella Rice Krispie Treats

Monday, October 4, 201053 Comments

Aside from my family, there are two things in this world that I honestly don’t think I could live without. At the very least, my quality of life would surely suffer without them. They are Nutella and Rice Krispie treats. Seriously. I have to keep the Nutella jar safely …

Celebrate World Nutella Day 2010 with Nutella Ice Cream

Friday, February 5, 201042 Comments

I love Nutella! And, I’ve been enjoying it for as long as I can remember. As a kid, while all of my friends were bringing PB&J sandwiches to school for lunch, I was munching on Nutella sandwiches. Sometimes, all by itself, sometimes with bananas, and sometimes with another …

Nutella & Banana Filled Aebleskiver for World Nutella Day

Thursday, February 5, 200980 Comments

It’s hard to believe it’s already that time again! No, not Valentine’s Day, although, that too. I’m talking about World Nutella Day, the day where all Nutella fans worldwide celebrate the wonder and sheer joy of of this creamy, velvety, and totally addictive chocolate-hazelnut spread. …

Nutella-Pistachio Brioche for World Bread Day

Thursday, October 16, 200869 Comments

It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of the fabulous baking book, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois. In fact, I think I would suffer actual physical pain if I were to be without it! It’s a …

WTSIM…..Torronutella Semifreddo Terrine!

Thursday, January 31, 200822 Comments

When Johanna from The Passionate Cook announced that the theme for the January installment of WTSIM was Terrines, I was a bit bummed. Not because I didn’t think it was a good theme, and not because I don’t like terrines, but because I had the perfect recipe to use …

kiss the cook!

Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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