The Comeback Kid and the Neapolitan Rose Cake

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


So, you’ve probably noticed that I haven’t been around here in a while – a long while. A very long while, actually. In case you were wondering, no one died (thank God). I didn’t move to Mars or decide to kayak around the world. The thing is, that somewhere along the way I lost my groove. I spent several frustrating months trying to find it. And when that didn’t work, I realized that maybe I needed to step back for a while. Let me explain… read more >>

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Will You Be My Valentine (Again)?

Monday, February 11, 201316 Comments

No, I did not fall off the face of the earth. Although, there were times in the past month that I felt like jumping off. Ever since the Holidays, Chez SCGG has been a hotbed of disease and dysfunction, governed by Murphy’s Law. We didn’t even have our Christmas …

The SGCC Top Ten Recipe List of 2012

Monday, December 31, 20129 Comments

First of all, I’d like to wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! That, and lots and lots of cupcakes! I thank you all for taking the time to stop by and visit from time to time. I may not articulate it enough, but your …

A Special Mothers Day Thank You

Saturday, May 12, 201224 Comments

Dear God,
Thank you for allowing me the privilege and responsibility of being a mother. I know that it wasn’t an easy decision for you to make. In fact, it took you eight long years to make it. Maybe you felt that I wasn’t ready. The waiting was hard, …

Friday, March 23, 201257 Comments

I’ve sat on this post for three whole days, debating whether or not to publish it. It seemed like a good idea at the time I wrote it, but then I started to get cold feet. I suspect that there are at least a few of my fellow food …

Whole Grain Krispie Granola Bars Recipe

Tuesday, August 16, 201139 Comments

In just a few short days the kids will be heading back to school, and parents everywhere will be breathing a collective sigh of relief. Summer vacation can be tough on us moms and dads! Sure, it was great not having to get up at the brink of dawn …

Friday, July 22, 201124 Comments

Not too long ago, I had a discussion with some friends about whether or not Florida is part of “The Deep South”. A few of us said yes, of course. After all, it is the southernmost state in the country, so it must be. But, one enlightened soul disagreed. …

Sunday, July 10, 201122 Comments

When I was a little girl, my mother had two sets of dishes: the “everyday” dishes” and the “good” ones. The everyday dishes were, of course, the ones we used for meals every day. The “good” set only came out for holidays and special occasions. She had a set …

Sunday, June 5, 201123 Comments

There’s a popular story that’s been floating around my family for years. My mother revels in telling it, and every time she does, it elicits a mixture of nervous laughs, horrified looks and hasty signs of the cross. It’s about my mother’s childhood BFF, Rosie. Rosie and my mom …

Friday, May 13, 20119 Comments

When I was a little girl, we lived in house made of pale gray stone. It was the only stone house on our street. All of the others were made of red brick. The front and back flagstone porches were connected by a cobbled path, and the whole property …

kiss the cook!

Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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