The Best Carrot Cake Recipe Ever!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Mini SGCC has a boyfriend. He’s actually been around for almost a year now, but I wasn’t allowed to blog about it. I’m still not, but I have to because otherwise there would be no story to tell about this cake. And, this cake is too wonderful not to share with you. So, tough beans, Mini SGCC. Sue me!


Anyway, The Boy’s birthday was the other day. I thought it would be nice to bake him a little birthday cake, since he’s over for dinner almost every night anyway. Besides, he’s kinda starting to grow on me. From a little subtle investigating, I discovered that his favorite kind of cake is carrot cake. It just so happens that carrot cake is one of my favorites too, which worked out nicely since I hate to bake things that I don’t personally like. I mean, why put all that time and energy into something that you don’t love yourself – unless, of course, someone is paying you. That’s a different story. I’d even bake a Brussels sprouts cake if you paid me. Well, maybe not. But, you get the point.

I was planning to use my standard “go to” carrot cake recipe, but I thought I’d sniff around the web to see what else was out there. I’m glad I did, because I found a few that looked simply fantastic. In the end, I went with a recipe I found on Zoe’s site, which was adapted from The Essential Baker by Carole Bloom. Zoe calls it “the ultimate carrot cake”, and I’m here to tell you that she’s right!


Zoe’s cake boasted three layers filled with decadent cream cheese frosting. I was on a time deadline, so mine only has two. If you can, go for the extra layer. More cream cheese frosting is definitely a goal to aspire to. Zoe also decorated the outside of her cake with coconut. I didn’t because I didn’t have any. Also, Mini SGCC doesn’t really like coconut, and I want to stay on her good side, (especially because she might get pissed about me writing this post). And by the way, no cracks about my cake decorating skills allowed. There’s a reason why I’m not a pastry chef.

To make this cake, the first thing you have to do is grate about a pound of carrots up in the food processor. You can also do this by hand, but you might end up with some bloody knuckles. Don’t ask me how I know this. I just do. Then mix together all of your dry ingredients in one bowl, and all of your wet ingredients in another. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ones and then mix in the carrots, some raisins, nuts and if you’re me, some crushed pineapple.

It should look like this.


Once your batter is all mixed up, pour half in each of two lightly oiled 9-inch cake pans lined with parchment paper. This will make things much easier when you try to remove the cakes from the pans.


All ready to go into the oven…


Bake the cakes until a toothpick or cake tester comes out clean. My cakes took about 40 minutes to get there.


Let your cakes cool completely before attempting to “de-pan” them. I know that it’s hard to wait, but trust me on this one.

While your cakes were in the oven you should have been whipping up your delectable cream cheese frosting. If not, hurry and make it now. I’ll wait.


Now, here is where I would ordinarily show you a shot of me frosting the cake. But I was using my brand new 5D Mark 2, and there was no way I was going to risk getting cream cheese frosting on that baby! So, you’ll have to use your imagination for that step.

First, dump a big blob of frosting on the bottom layer of the cake and schmear it all over the top with an offset spatula. Then, c.a.r.e.f.u.l.l.y. set the top layer of the cake on top. Dump enough frosting on to cover the top and sides and then smooth it out as best you can. I have one of those cake turntables that swivels around, and it makes this step a whole lot easier. No mater how hard I try, I can never get the frosting completely smooth. If you’re like me, just swirl the frosting around a little and tell everybody that it’s supposed to be “rustic” . No one will know the truth except you and me – and my lips are sealed.



Remember, no cracks about my cake decorating skills!

Here’s a gratuitous “art shot” of the frosting that I decided to throw in – just because.


Anyway, this cake is now officially my new “go to” carrot cake. It is incredibly moist, rich and lightly spiced, yet not too sweet. Many carrot cakes have the dubious distinction of being as dense and heavy as bricks. Not this one. It’s crumb is fluffy and tender, just like a good cake should be. And, the frosting? Well, it’s full of cream cheese, butter and sugar. It’s divine! What more can I say?

So, what did The Boy think? I think he liked it. There might have been a bit of groaning going on in between forkfuls of cake. But, that might have been Mr. SGCC. I’m not really sure.



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Filed Under: Baking, Cakes and Cupcakes, Recipes

Tags: , carrot cake, , , frosting, icing, , , raisins

117 responses to The Best Carrot Cake Recipe Ever!

  1. On January 07, 2011 at 1:07pm, Kristen said...

    Oh he’s a cutie and that cake looks pretty darn fantastic too!

    • On January 07, 2011 at 7:30pm, Susan said...

      Thanks, Kristen! He is pretty cute. :)

    • On February 07, 2013 at 2:32pm, Janet Krafft said...

      I am a 66 year old housewife and after I made your carrot cake my hubby’s response was “who said ya can’t teach old dogs new tricks!” yeah right! Is this a compliment or insult? Am I an “old dog” Who cares? We LOVED your carrot cake it was the best I have ever made. Hubby of 48 years loved every bite of it. So glad I found you and your recipies! You are great!

  2. On January 07, 2011 at 1:12pm, Liz @ Blog is the New Black said...

    Lucky boy, getting a cake!

  3. On January 07, 2011 at 1:28pm, Karen@Mignardise said...

    Absolutely adorable couple!
    And the cake looks sooooo good too. You’re nice to do that for him.
    I wish my daughter would get a boyfriend!

    • On January 07, 2011 at 11:04pm, Susan said...

      No, you don’t! Be careful what you wish for. 😉

  4. On January 07, 2011 at 1:32pm, jen @ onecurlyfry said...

    Oh my goodness, this looks delish!! I wish I wasn’t the only one in my house that liked Carrot Cake. I could probably eat this entire cake myself! LOL

  5. On January 07, 2011 at 1:32pm, Rosa said...

    Lucky boyfriend! That cake looks fantastic indeed. What a cute couple.



  6. On January 07, 2011 at 1:54pm, Rachelle said...

    They are a cute couple! =) Happy Birthday to him! Your cake looks divine, and I love how you were able to write in caramel, even on a rustic look!

    (btw, can I ask where you get your cake pans? I’m looking for new ones that have straight edges like that.)

    • On January 07, 2011 at 11:05pm, Susan said...

      Thanks! The cake pans came from Williams-Sonoma. They have them in 6, 8, 9 and 10-inch sizes.

  7. On January 07, 2011 at 2:50pm, Maria said...

    The cake looks perfect!

  8. On January 07, 2011 at 2:50pm, Ronda said...

    This cake sounds wonderful, and I think your frosting skills are perfect! You have a beautiful daughter too!

    • On January 07, 2011 at 11:06pm, Susan said...

      Awww, shucks! Thank you. :)

  9. On January 07, 2011 at 2:59pm, Peter said...

    Susan, the photos are pretty damn convincing…I bow!

    • On January 07, 2011 at 11:06pm, Susan said...

      Thank you, kind sir! :)

  10. On January 07, 2011 at 3:15pm, Phyllis Kirigin said...

    Wow! Looks like not only a “go to” carrot cake but a “must go to.” If I see a recipe I want to try, I look over the ingredients to see what I have on hand and what I would have to pick up. I was thinking about what I might possibly substitute for the orange extract, and I thought of fiori di sicilia , that wonderful essence of citrus and vanilla (actually harder to find, but I happen to have some.) Thanks for this luscious recipe

    • On January 07, 2011 at 11:09pm, Susan said...

      Oh, fiori di sicilia would be perfect! I can never find it, so I make my own with a blend of vanilla, lemon and orange extracts. Love it for baking!

      • On January 18, 2011 at 1:01pm, Marta said...

        Susan - the Baker’s Catalogue (King Arthur Flour co) sells Fiori di Sicilia. :)

      • On January 19, 2011 at 8:19am, Susan said...

        Thanks for the tip, Marta! I’ll check that out. :)

  11. On January 07, 2011 at 3:29pm, Judith Kinney said...

    Many years ago I found a recipe for Carrot Cake that had a coconut/pecan filling between the layers (the German chocolate cake icing kind). Try it sometime it’s amazing!

    • On January 07, 2011 at 11:09pm, Susan said...

      I will. Sounds delish!

  12. On January 07, 2011 at 3:44pm, Deborah said...

    I have totally been craving a carrot cake and this one looks amazing!

  13. On January 07, 2011 at 4:15pm, Felice - All That's Left Are The Crumbs said...

    I do love a good carrot cake so I will be trying this out in the near future.

  14. On January 07, 2011 at 4:16pm, barbara said...

    They make a lovely looking couple.

    I’ve been craving carrot cake just lately. This looks delicious. I luuuuuurve cream cheese icing.

  15. On January 07, 2011 at 4:36pm, Marie said...

    Two beautiful kids, they look good together. Carrot cake is my weakness, I’m having the shakes over here just looking at your GORGEOUS photos!!!

    • On January 07, 2011 at 11:10pm, Susan said...

      Thanks, Marie! They are very cute together.

  16. On January 07, 2011 at 4:51pm, Zoe Francois said...

    Oh, your cake does look outrageous! So glad you love it as much as I do and your photos have me craving it!

    • On January 07, 2011 at 11:11pm, Susan said...

      Thank YOU for the inspiration, my friend! 😀

  17. On January 07, 2011 at 6:55pm, bellini valli said...

    I must say that carrot cake has been a long time favourite of mine Susan.

  18. On January 07, 2011 at 8:05pm, Holly@Life as a Lofthouse said...

    I LOVE carrot cake : ) Everytime I get dessert at Outback steakhouse I order it, everyone makes fun of me, but its sooo good! I cant resisit! : )

  19. On January 07, 2011 at 11:33pm, DIane {} said...

    looks fantastic, carrot cake is one of my favorites!

  20. On January 07, 2011 at 11:37pm, Rene said...

    “So, tough beans, Mini SGCC. Sue me! ” HAHAHAHAHA. Oh, that’s exactly what my mother would have said, except it would have been “Cupcake Pirate” instead of Mini SGCC (my mom goes by pirate online cause she likes them).

    Your daughter is so cute! Her smile makes me chuckle. Hehe.

    • On January 13, 2011 at 10:26am, Susan said...

      Lol! 😀

  21. On January 08, 2011 at 9:24am, Hannah @ Bake 5 said...

    yes this definitely looks like THE go-to carrot cake recipe. it looks utterly deelish.

  22. On January 08, 2011 at 9:45am, brilynn said...

    Carrot cake is one of my favourites too, but it might just be because it’s slathered in cream cheese frosting… I could probably eat a piece of cardboard if it were slathered in cream cheese frosting.

    • On January 13, 2011 at 10:27am, Susan said...

      Me too!

  23. On January 09, 2011 at 5:12pm, grace said...

    i’ve made my own birthday cake for awhile now, and more often than not, it’s carrot cake. this one looks stellar, susan-sweet gift!

  24. On January 09, 2011 at 5:12pm, MaryBeth said...

    The kids are simply adorable….I love carrot cake, this is the best looking recipe I have seen in a great while. I would not turn down a slice of it that is for sure.

  25. On January 09, 2011 at 11:13pm, Bren said...

    oh well the Boy is just too cute for words and a good carrot cake is something to definitely talk about!

  26. On January 10, 2011 at 12:08pm, Nic said...

    Aw, great looking couple and that cake looks awesome too.
    Happy New Year Susan!

    • On January 13, 2011 at 10:28am, Susan said...

      Happy New Year, Nic! :)

  27. On January 10, 2011 at 11:35pm, Mariko said...

    My daughter’s four, but I’m freaked out about future bf’s. You mean I might actually accept them? Make cake for them?

    • On January 13, 2011 at 10:28am, Susan said...

      Sigh… You get used to it. At least you have about 10 years to prepare yourself. 😉

  28. On January 11, 2011 at 8:10am, Amalia said...

    Hello there! I have good news!…you’ve been awarded the Stylish Blogger Award!!! Congrats!

    So this is what’s up, I really love your blog and decided to give you this award, now you:

    1. Make a post and link back to the person who awarded you this award
    2. Share 7 things about yourself
    3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers so we can share the love
    4. Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won!

    Always the best,
    Amalia, from ButterSweetMelody

    • On January 13, 2011 at 10:30am, Susan said...

      Why thank you, Amalia! I’m flattered! I’ll check it out and hopefully get to it this weekend. :)

  29. On January 11, 2011 at 12:38pm, zahra said...

    hi : i am zahra
    i am from saudi arabia

    thank you very much
    for the cooking and
    i love you cooking

  30. On January 11, 2011 at 12:42pm, zahra said...

    my cooking

  31. On January 11, 2011 at 9:43pm, Betty @ scrambled hen fruit said...

    This cake looks amazing! I’m going to have a hard time waiting for somebody’s birthday to make this. :)

  32. On January 12, 2011 at 3:24pm, Janet said...

    Your daughter is beautiful.

    The cake is amazing!

    Happy New Year, and thank you for everything you share through your blog. I’ve loved it for a very long time!

    • On January 13, 2011 at 10:31am, Susan said...

      Thank you, Janet! You’re very sweet, and I appreciate it. Happy New Year to you too! :)

  33. On January 15, 2011 at 11:08am, zahra said...

    thank you very much
    My Carrot Cake

  34. On January 28, 2011 at 1:18pm, Sarah from 20somethingcupcakes said...

    Oh, that does look like the best carrot cake ever…I think it’s the frosting that’s doing it for me. And adorable shot of the mini SGCC, so cute!

  35. On January 30, 2011 at 5:01am, Cyndi Parisu said...

    Mhh, I’d better randomly grab a friend to make this cake for!XD But I can always bake for myself…-getting ideas here-but really, cream cheese frosting and carrot cake? Mhh. Just stumbled here, by the way.xD

  36. On April 17, 2011 at 10:30am, janice said...

    I do love a good carrot cake so I will be trying this out in the near future

  37. On May 09, 2011 at 1:31pm, Elise said...

    I made this carrot cake for my very picky boyfriends b-day this weekend, and it turned out superb! I was nervous because Ive made carrot cakes before, and they didn’t turn out nearly as good as I wanted. This cake turned out very moist. It was packed full of flavor and ingredients, which were hearty enough to satisfy without being too heavy. I followed this recipe to the letter, except I soaked the raisins in OJ(yum). Frosting was great too! Needless to say my boyfriend loved it, and so did the entire family! I heard nothing but compliments! Thanks so much Susan for this delicious recipe, its a keeper for sure!

  38. On June 01, 2011 at 10:17pm, Mary said...

    This cake looks amazing! I want to make it for a girlfriend at work. Can this be made in a 9 x 13 baking pan so we can share the sweet-spicy goodness? Thanks for posting!

  39. On June 21, 2011 at 9:30am, Darlene said...

    Your cake looks so yummy. Thanks so much for sharing.

    I agree with you, I don’t like to bake goodies that I don’t like.

  40. On August 19, 2011 at 10:03am, Jenny @An Apple for the Crafter said...

    Thank you for posting this!! It truly IS the best Carrot Cake recipe ever! You made me look like a culinary talent!

  41. On August 30, 2011 at 8:03pm, Dionne said...

    Your cake looks wonderful. After comparing both recipes, I wanted to ask why you added the milk. I don’t have to ask why you left out the cloves and added pineapple :-)

  42. On September 01, 2011 at 3:23am, Mari said...

    That is the best smelling cake batter I have ever made. Just put it in the oven. ^_^

  43. On October 15, 2011 at 6:37am, Karen said...

    I made this cake about 3 weeks ago and shared it with guests in my guesthaus. It was the only thing they ate that I gave them!!! Ha! Go figure! I gave a piece to my neighbor, my dad and me & the hubby finished off the rest. I think it should be on the show “the best thing I ever ate.” Anyway, my neighbor called me last nite, at 9:00 p.m. to ask if I would make it for her sons 24th birthday party….Heck Ya! Thanks for the yummy recipe!

  44. On October 27, 2011 at 6:54am, Marcey Page said...

    Highly recommend this recipe! Glad to find a great recipe without pineapple :) I have to copy what someone else said…you made me look like a pro:) I baked two 8 inch rounds and cut them in half so I ended up with a 4 layer cake…and just frosted the centers and the top. Garnished with walnuts. You have a great site, I’ll be back!

  45. On November 23, 2011 at 8:56pm, Linda said...

    This cake is MOIST & AMAZING! ! BEST carrot cake ever. I actually made it whole wheat flour and added 1 ripe banana (because I had one ready to use). It truly was amazing and a bit more healthy. I made the icing with only 1.5 cups if sugar. I don’t like sweet icing. I have found a great cake to show off and bring to parties. THANKS! !

  46. On November 25, 2011 at 8:23am, kcupdrawer said...

    Woww!! I also love your carrot cake. I will do follow from your method your share in this holiday for my party.

    It’s look amazing. I think I can do and look nice like you did.. Thanks again.

  47. On December 07, 2011 at 11:21am, Sylvia said...

    I made this cake THREE TIMES over the Thanksgiving Holiday, and I must say - it was delicous and moist. Everyone LOVED it! I added coconut :)

  48. On December 23, 2011 at 12:01pm, Donna A said...

    Thanks for posting this. I love how my cake turned out. :)

  49. On January 03, 2012 at 6:12am, Gina Mason said...

    Tried this receipe for New Year’s celebration….loved it!

  50. On January 07, 2012 at 7:07am, Alice said...

    Defos trying this! Looks amazing!

  51. On January 19, 2012 at 11:23pm, Tracy Craig said...

    Ok so I tried this recipe…the cakes are cooling as I type..and the frosting is ready….I went with the 4 cups of powdered sugar, but my dumb butt forgot to grab orange flavoring when I was at the store, so I stuck to the vanilla and that was it…I omitted the raisins and only added a couple fingerfuls of pecans since when I read it to my beloved, he said it sounded like fruit cake…hahaha..anyway, you inspired me to go visit my grandmother this weekend, (she’s 2 1/2 hours away) to see if she has any recipes that I might try. I’ve gotta say though that the batter looked super yummy and I’ll probably make this again…with the exception of the shredding of the carrots, (Yes I did shred my thumb knuckle) it was super easy. I’ll be looking for a small shredder for my Oster kitchen center now…I know, it’s older than me, but I inherited it, and it does a great job on everything else. : O

  52. On January 22, 2012 at 12:27pm, Lauren said...

    Hi Susan. I just discovered your blog and was thrilled when you put up a carrot cake. It was my boyfriends birthday and when it came time to bake him a cake I knew the only one he would eat more than 1 piece of was carrot cake. I made it yesterday and when we woke up this morning it was the first thing he wanted. It was absolutely the best carrot cake we have ever had! Thanks for posting the recipe & will be going into my recipe box!!

  53. On January 29, 2012 at 6:17pm, Donna said...

    After HOURS of searching…my quest is over…I found THE carrot cake I have been searching for…It looks to be the polar opposite of all of the dark “fruit-cakey” ones I so dread and avoid! One question…when you mention “packed brown sugar”…do you mean “light” or “dark”?…I live in France at present…and have finally been able to locate both. I hope to replicate the exact hue of your gorgeous cake artistry…so before I trot out to buy the ingredients I just want to be sure….to do it “justice! (Oh, and your frosting screams DIVINE…)
    Thanking you in advance for any enlightenment!..

  54. On February 20, 2012 at 12:32pm, Patricia Norman said...

    Best carrot cake recipe! Have made it so many times now, I think I have it committed to memory! Thanks!

  55. On March 05, 2012 at 4:45pm, Isa said...

    OMG! It looks delicious.

  56. On March 12, 2012 at 12:03pm, Lulu said...

    i am totally trying this (:

  57. On March 21, 2012 at 5:39pm, Matt said...

    ..great recipe, and great photos - looks yum !

    but what are your other favourite cake recipes ?

    ..lots of ideas on

    Easter Cupcakes or Easter Mini Egg Cookies for children ?

  58. On April 08, 2012 at 8:58pm, Lynn said...

    I made this for our Easter celebration. Everyone loved it. Good cake and the frosting is amazing!

  59. On April 09, 2012 at 3:29am, send cakes to India said...

    wow nice carrot cake its looks really yummy and thanks for sharing recipe I will try to make carrot cake..:)

  60. On April 09, 2012 at 12:20pm, sweetsue said...

    This is THE most delicious, not too sweet, tender, yummy, easy, carrot cake ever! I lost my favorite recipe for a crrott cake I made all the time. WHO CARES! I just found the replacement. Everyone loved it at our Easter table this year. Thank you for sharing :) I will be checking back often for more sticky gooey creamy chewy goodies!!!

  61. On April 15, 2012 at 2:10am, Justin said...

    Hi Susan, thanks for the recipe. The cake is ready for my son’s birthday (he is 3 today), so I haven’t tasted it yet. Smelt good in the oven last night though. My question is related to the fosting : Mine seems awfully liquid, it just pours over the side (well more like oozes) so I’ve put it in the fridge to try and get it to set, so I think I probably got the measurements wrong when switching to metric. But how would you suggest firming it up: More butter or more cream cheese? Or somehting else?

  62. On April 21, 2012 at 12:29pm, Cass Hunter said...

    My husband constantly begs for my carrot cake (which I adapted from you). Thanks so much for sharing!

  63. On May 03, 2012 at 5:15am, Chris@WeLoveChicken said...

    This carrot cake is simply delicious, simply THE BEST! My husband says it’s the most delicious cake he ever ate! I don’t use pecans, instead walnuts. And sometimes I also don’t make the frosting - I know it might sounds strange, but it still tastes fantastic and it’s lighter. It goes perfect with a cup of coffee or tea.

  64. On June 02, 2012 at 1:06pm, Jeanette said...

    this is hands down indeed the BEST carrot cake recipe out there. i didn’t use the pineapple though and decided to omit orange zest in the cream - just not so big a fan of tangy flavour. but i’ve reused the cake recipe over and over. it’s healthy too… no butter! haha.

  65. On July 04, 2012 at 6:26pm, Lourdes said...

    The best carrot cake recipe ever! We had a bake sale at my job for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society and I baked carrot cupcakes… they were a hit! Thank you. I like to thank you for your contribution by sharing your delicious recipe.


  66. On July 23, 2012 at 12:26am, Yummies Kisses said...

    I had to stop by and tell you this delicious moist
    carrot was the talk of my Family at our our Family Reunion.
    Thank you for sharing!!!

  67. On August 18, 2012 at 9:39pm, Gloria said...

    You got it right, BEST EVER CARROT CAKE! This was my first attempt making a cake from scratch and it was delicious. I was decided to try it for my mom’s 57th birthday cake (with over 30 people in attendance I doubled it and used 2 large springforms) Since I was braving a whole new method (actually baking not getting a box cake) I was a little nervous so I baked it the night before. It was torture not being able to eat it and having to smell it all night long. I did manage to eat about a cup of frosting to curb my temptation to dig in, lol! I didn’t add coconut to the cake (I didn’t realize that option until it was baking in the oven) but did add it after frosting. This cake had everything my mom loves pecans, raisins, pineapple, coconut, carrots and of course melt in your mouth cream cheese frosting 😀 Many guests asked for the recipe and you made it easy for me to simply direct them to your web page. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe I’m sure to make again and again!

  68. On August 21, 2012 at 6:42pm, Sammy Gould said...

    OMG! This is indeed the best carrot cake ever. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe. I’m baking it for the 2nd time this month :)

  69. On September 16, 2012 at 12:20pm, Audrey said...

    I had been searching the internet for a carrot cake recipe to make for a friends homecoming party and found this one. It’s delicious! It was gone within a few minutes of cutting it. I just made it again for another friends son. (that’s twice in 3 weeks) The second group said it’s the best carrot cake they have ever had. My teenage son never really cared for carrot cake but this is now his favorite.

    The recipe is a bit time consuming but well worth it. I was a bit worried that the batter was too runny at first and thought that since I live in a southwest Florida that I might have to add more flour. Before doing so I looked to see where Susan lived and found out we in the same area! I didn’t have to adjust for the humidity!

    Thank you Susan, I enjoyed your post about the cake and your teenage daughter as well.

  70. On October 21, 2012 at 5:15pm, Pam H said...

    Awesome! Made this today for birthday celebration … Will definitely be a recipe I’ll go back to often!! I’ve used the same recipe for years and, like you, began searching for a new one …. I’m so happy to have found your site and this recipe! Thanks!

    • On November 30, 2012 at 8:53am, Alex said...

      I would really like to try your recipe, but I’m from Romania and we don’t have canola oil here.
      So I was wondering if a could use butter instead or it would affect its consistency.
      Would you recommend sunflower oil instead?
      Thank you

      • On December 01, 2012 at 10:44am, Susan said...

        I think that sunflower or any kind of light, flavorless cooking oil would work fine in this recipe. I would try that before butter. Good luck!

  71. On December 26, 2012 at 9:28am, Jeff said...

    Made this cake for our family Christmas dinner yesterday and it was a huge hit with everyone. Easy to make and even I couldn’t mess it up. Used 10″ pans and it came out perfect. Made a 1.5x batch of frosting and ended up with quite a bit of leftover… Would make a single batch of icing next time. I added orange zest to the frosting and it added a nice freshness to it. Thanks for sharing and making the recipe so easy to follow with your great photos.

  72. On February 24, 2013 at 6:52am, Brian said...

    I have only been baking for a few months, (cooking for years), this is the nicest cake that I have ever tasted, i added a hand full of pistachious and wallnuts instead of the pecan nuts and used skim milk instead of buttermilk.
    Absolutely the best.
    Totally impressed!
    Brian — Brisbane Australia

  73. On March 10, 2013 at 3:26am, Laney said...

    Hi. I’m planning on making carrot cake soon, and I think I’m going to use this recipe! I just have one question- does the taste of pineapple come through very much after the cake has baked?

  74. On March 15, 2013 at 11:53pm, Molly said...

    Thanks for this! My son requested carrot cake for his 4th birthday in a few days and I’m making this one. I linked to this page from my blog:
    Thanks again!!

  75. On March 26, 2013 at 12:48pm, Jill said...

    I LOVE this carrot cake! Well done, thanks! Is the bf still in the picture?! Congrats on the Stylish Blogger Award too! How did you go about that because I love blogging and have documented some of my travels and of course about food!!!??? Go figure :-)

  76. On May 02, 2013 at 12:48am, Leslie said...

    I made this cake for work last week. Everyone loved it. It was gone in about 15 minutes. Thanks

  77. On May 28, 2013 at 9:49am, Leslee said...

    Needed a last minute carrot cake recipe and found this absolutely fantastic recipe. I used Mexican vanilla in the cake and frosting, and 2 tsp of orange tequila liqueur in the frosting. Fabulous results and raves for the best carrot cake ever!! This recipe is going into my favorite cake recipes file!!

  78. On June 02, 2013 at 3:24am, indiacakes said...

    I love carrot cake. Thanks to you for sharing the recipe. Have a nice day.

  79. On June 13, 2013 at 12:12am, Send jewellery gift to india said...

    These recipe looks delicious, thanks for share this.

  80. On June 21, 2013 at 8:20am, taart bakken said...


    we offer online make cake with delicious cake recipes to help you to bake a cake for any special occassions like birthday’s, wedding anniversary, festivals and more occassions.

  81. On July 10, 2013 at 9:19am, Maria said...

    Loved the way you write as if you are talking! Also love the sounds of the recipe - I don’t like nuts in my carrot cake though - can I just leave them out or should I add something in place of?
    Maria, England

  82. On July 26, 2013 at 7:46pm, garth said...

    Hi your recipe says “2/3 cups firmly packed brown sugar” is that 2 or 3 cups or is it 2 thirds of a cup? Confusing plural there. Thanks

  83. On August 01, 2013 at 11:17am, YJASA said...

    Hi! Thanks so much for this recipe. I am so excited to try it out. I will be making it for my husband’s bestfriend who absolutely loves carrot cake. I was thinking of using this recipe and turning them into carrot cake cupcakes. Would they still come out okay? Are there any revisions in the recipe that I should make? I don’t want them to turn out dense and heavy. Also, how long would they take to bake properly? Thanks! Will definitely be coming back to your blog for more great recipes.

  84. On October 04, 2013 at 11:45am, Angela said...

    Made this cake last night, when I get home I will frost, take it to a B-day Party and indulge!

    I had a little taste of the baked batter and it was good! Super easy to make! I bought already shredded carrots then processed them a little more. A pound of carrots = to about 2 cups of shredded carrots. Much easier than hand shredding, a little afraid of getting some skin in there. EW! OUCH!

    I’m really excited to try this cake with the homemade frosting! This is my first full, made from scratch cake, I loved doing it, super simple! I’ll have to update when it’s been devoured….

  85. On October 14, 2013 at 7:05am, vaibhav said...

    This is seriously adorable.
    Carrot cake is my favorite cake.
    Its looks delicious and magnificent .
    Your recipe is really very easy to make and helpful.
    Thanks for sharing…

  86. On December 26, 2013 at 11:02am, Kitty said...

    I made this cake for my mother since carrot cake is her absolute favorite.. It was a great success, and easy enough to do that I made a cake for myself as well! Even my fiancé who is the pickiest eater known to man loved it. (Let me tell you how awesome it is when you love to cook and you live with someone who eats like a bratty 5 year old.. He lives on chicken fingers and macaroni and cheese, I swear.. ughh) I loved the recipe and thank you from the pit of my stomach!!! (Which is now very full) Looking forward to more!

  87. On August 10, 2014 at 4:15am, Noorein said...

    Hi, I just love the entire post and beautiful collection of. And I make sure to visit your site often.I would like to thank you for sharing this information.

  88. On August 18, 2014 at 10:37pm, Lynn Miller said...

    Love this recipe! I made it this year for our county fair and took first for carrot cakes, and best of class for single and double layer cakes! Yum yum yum!

  89. On November 08, 2014 at 10:10am, Haleema said...

    This is the best carrot cake recipe ever! My neighbor’s favorite cake is carrot and even she said that this is the best she’s ever had!

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  96. On January 23, 2016 at 3:27am, Valentine Soft Toys said...

    This looks delicious! With the perfect frosting skills you made it awesome. Thanks to you for sharing the recipe.

  97. On February 21, 2016 at 7:41pm, Josie said...

    I’ve been making this carrot cake for my boyfriend’s birthday for the last five years- it’s his absolute favorite dessert and he looks forward to it all year! I just wanted to say thank you- this recipe never disappoints!

19 pings to The Best Carrot Cake Recipe Ever!

  1. On January 11, 2011 at 8:50pm, winter farmshare yields carrot cake « Radical Muffin pinged...

    […] a large measuring bowl, whisk together ½ cup of sunflower oil, 3 eggs (at room temperature), and one cup of sugar. We went in for plain white sugar which left […]

  2. On November 25, 2011 at 2:10pm, Thanksgiving 2011 | Renee Keith's Blog pinged...

    […] Last but not least, I am going to make Carrot Cake, I am going to try the recipe from this blog: […]

  3. On February 27, 2012 at 12:01am, Erin’s Carrot “CRACK” Cakes | putalittlecupinyourcaking pinged...

    […] Instead of baking a whole carrot cake, I made cupcakes from my concoction based on this recipe. […]

  4. On March 05, 2012 at 1:53am, Carrot Cake « Riccardi and Dad pinged...

    […] subtle changes to the recipe but overall it is pretty similar to the original that can be seen here My version is a little healthier and a little lower in fat and calories though, because I […]

  5. On March 25, 2012 at 9:26am, Who Dreams of Owning a Mini-Storage? « cakerypapery pinged...

    […] recipe is from Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy. Her photos are much more…controlled. I suspect she did not photo her cake at 8:30 a.m. in […]

  6. On April 07, 2012 at 10:05pm, me, that cake, and a fork « always an adventure pinged...

    […] crack cake(Husband’s title. Not mine) adapted from SGCC 2 1/2 C flour 2 tsp baking powder 2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp baking soda 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp ground […]

  7. On November 23, 2012 at 6:57am, Carrot cake (Tarta de zanahoria) « El mundo en mi cocina pinged...

    […] con el queso. Ideas para ocasiones especiales: decorada con nueces, con flores de zanahoria, con un glaseado naranja, con zanahoria rallada o con piel de […]

  8. On March 22, 2013 at 2:43pm, Getting Ready for Easter Weekly Round Up! — Cooking During Stolen Moments pinged...

    […] Carrot Cake via Stick Gooey Creamy Chewy […]

  9. On March 26, 2013 at 12:33am, Carrot cake! | Four Moms For Moms pinged...

    […] was never a big fan of carrot cake until I found this recipe! The recipe boasted it to be “The Best Carrot Cake Recipe Ever!” I totally agree! Topped with some really fattening cream cheese frosting, this cake isn’t for […]

  10. On April 01, 2013 at 4:56pm, Making in the kitchen: Oh So Good Carrot Cake - The Good Weekly pinged...

    […] be used, so I went on the search for the best-looking carrot cake I could find. I ran across one on stickygooeycreamychewy that looked particularly moist. I changed it up a bit based on what I had in my cupboards. Susan […]

  11. On April 17, 2013 at 4:36pm, Carrot cake (Tarta de zanahoria) « A falta de pan… pinged...

    […] con el queso. Ideas para ocasiones especiales: decorada con nueces, con flores de zanahoria, con un glaseado naranja, con zanahoria rallada o con piel de […]

  12. On August 11, 2013 at 10:00pm, Guten-y and Gluten Free Carrot Cupcakes (With cream cheese frosting!) | melle gets schooled pinged...

    […] First, for the Gluten. This recipe makes about 25 cupcakes and is adapted from this amazing carrot cake recipe over at stickygooeycreamychewy. […]

  13. On October 02, 2013 at 7:01am, Happy Anniversary! Celebrating with Dairy Free Carrot Cake | pinged...

    […] and frosting adapted from Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy Share this:MoreLike this:Like […]

  14. On March 14, 2014 at 3:16pm, Carrot Cupcakes with Catnip Cream cheese Frosting | Petal and Moss pinged...

    […] here. I’m sure there was a quick google search for a good carrot cake recipe, perhaps like this one as well as a cream cheese frosting something or other, maybe this one. Then, what I’m certain […]

  15. On May 01, 2014 at 9:07pm, The Ultimate Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting pinged...

    […] adapted from Sticky Gooey Creamy Chewy via The Essential […]

  16. On July 24, 2014 at 2:18pm, The Ultimate Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting | Tastes Better From Scratch pinged...

    […] adapted from Sticky Gooey Creamy Chewy via The Essential […]

  17. On December 06, 2014 at 3:58pm, Best Carrot Cake Recipe Nigella Lawson | We Get Healthy pinged...

    […] The Best Carrot Cake Recipe Ever! | Sticky, Gooey, … – On January 07, 2011 at 3:15pm, Phyllis Kirigin said… Wow! Looks like not only a “go to” carrot cake but a “must go to.” If I see a recipe I want to try, I …… […]

  18. On December 11, 2014 at 1:24am, the best coffee and walnut cake recipe ever | Recipe Unique pinged...

    […] The best carrot cake recipe ever! | sticky, gooey, creamy […]

  19. On June 21, 2015 at 6:58am, Foundation for Defense of Democracies pinged...

    Foundation for Defense of Democracies

    The Best Carrot Cake Recipe Ever! | Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy | A Blog About Food with a Little Life Stirred In

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Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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