Pasta con Broccoli, or Pasta with Broccoli has been a staple meal in my family for as long as I can remember. My grandmother made it. My aunts all make it. My mother makes it, and I do too. It’s not only because it is an incredibly quick and easy dish to cook, though it is. It’s also not only because it is a pretty healthy dish, because it’s that too. My family eats a lot of pasta with broccoli because it’s just plain delicious.
I sometimes think that a lot of people imagine that Italian cooking, is all about long, drawn out, complicated dishes that take all day to prepare. While there certainly are a lot of those, there are many more that aren’t. Italians don’t just sit around living la dolce vita all day long. They go to work and school, run errands and take care of their families just like everybody else. Every Italian housewife I ever knew had a slew of great recipes in her arsenal – like this one - that could be put together in an hour or less.
So let me show you just how easy Pasta con Broccoli is to make. read more >>
Filed Under: Cooking, Healthy Eating, Italian, La Tavola della mia Famiglia, Pasta, Quick and Easy, Recipes