The Thanksgiving Table

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Thanksgiving is a mere four days away. Are you ready? Or, are you running around like a lunatic, frantically trying to pull it all together? Whether you’re cool, calm and collected or a big pile of nervous, quivering mush, here’s a list of tried and true Thanksgiving recipes from the SGCC archives that I hope will help make your holiday a little tastier, if not easier. Maybe you’ll find one or two new dishes to grace your Thanksgiving table this year. read more >>

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Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

Friday, November 20, 200924 Comments

In my family, Thanksgiving dinner always begins with the primi piatti, or first course. It’s the Italian way. Don’t even try to slap a turkey, stuffing and some sides on the table without first serving some type of soup, pasta or risotto dish. But, let’s face it. Who could …

Apple-Maple Acorn Squash Puree & Alltop

Saturday, November 15, 200834 Comments

You know that we’re firmly entrenched in Autumn when almost every other recipe you see on the blogs contains some form of pumpkin, butternut or acorn squash. It’s inevitable. A myriad of orange-hued dishes abound, both sweet and savory. Pies, breads, cakes, soups, and …

TWD: Pumpkin Muffins

Tuesday, October 21, 200850 Comments

There are two kinds of people in this world: cupcake people and muffin people. I happen to be a cupcake girl. It’s not that I don’t like muffins, because I do. I just like cupcakes more. Some might say cupcakes…..muffins….., they’re pretty much the same …

Autumn Falls In: Bacon-Pecan Brussels Sprouts Saute

Monday, September 22, 200830 Comments

Today is the Autumnal Equinox. An equinox is “either of two points on the celestial sphere where the ecliptic and the celestial equator intersect.” For the rest of us, it’s one of two times each year when the Sun crosses the equator, and the day and night are the …

SHF: Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle

Saturday, November 24, 20079 Comments

My entry for SHF this month is Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle. This month, the event is being hosted by the lovely Leslie from Definitely Not Martha. The theme she has selected is Beta Carotene Harvest. The idea is to create a dessert using typical harvest gourds and roots, such as …

The Holy Grail of Sweet Potatoes

Wednesday, November 21, 200721 Comments

I think I could live without any other dish at Thanksgiving dinner, as long as I have these Candied Sweet Potatoes. Sticky, gooey, creamy and chewy, they are truly the Holy Grail of sweet potatoes! It is my mother’s recipe and she has faithfully made it every year …

The Great Stuffing War (Favorite Oyster Stuffing and Cornbread, Sausage and Apple Stuffing)

Monday, November 19, 20073 Comments

Everybody loves stuffing on Thanksgiving. Even though, most people rarely eat it on the other 364 days of the year, they’ve got to have it on Turkey Day. To many, the stuffing is even more important than the bird. It certainly is more versatile. If you do a Google …

Welcome, Autumn! Better Late Than Never (Pumpkin Mascarpone Pie)

Monday, November 5, 20073 Comments

Come, said the wind to the leaves one day,
Come o’re the meadows and we will play.
Put on your dresses scarlet and gold,
For summer is gone and the days grow cold. …

Happy Halloween and Pumpkin Bliss Cupcakes

Wednesday, October 31, 20072 Comments

Happy Halloween! If you’re in the mood for a sweet celebration today, you might want to try these lovely little pumpkin cupcakes. They are dense and moist, with just the right amount of spice. The cream cheese frosting is sinfully rich, creamy and …

kiss the cook!

Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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