Rhubarb Berry Crumb Bars Recipe

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Remember that luscious rhubarb berry jam I made last week? Well, we’ve been enjoying the heck out of it here at Chez SGCC. I’ve slathered it on homemade bread, spooned it into creamy yogurt and cooked it into a few tasty recipes. I also baked some into these delectable Rhubarb Berry Crumb Bars, which have spoiled me forever. From now until the end of time, every other crumb bar that I put past my lips will pale in comparison. That’s how incredibly good these are.

I adapted the recipe for these bars from the one for Blueberry Almond Crumble Bars that I wrote about a few years ago. The original recipe used whole berries. I thought about doing the same with these, but I wanted to get that deeply concentrated fruity flavor that only comes with slow cooking the fruit down into a thick, jammy pool of goodness. Besides, the whole point of me making the jam in the first place was to extend the life of that beautiful and rarely found rhubarb I managed to get hold of. read more >>

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Rhubarb Berry Jam Recipe

Thursday, June 16, 201110 Comments

Every year around this time, I find myself feeling out of the loop and a bit frustrated. It seems like all the other food bloggers are surrounded by a bounty of fresh rhubarb and are proudly flaunting their mouthwatering rhubarb creations, while I remain pathetically rhubarb-less. I’m not sure …

kiss the cook!

Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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