Sunday, November 11, 2012

Some of you may not realize this, but pumpkin puree does not originate in a can. I know I didn’t. In fact, it starts with real honest-to-goodness pumpkins. Shocking, huh? When I fist learned that I could make my own pumpkin puree from scratch, it was a revelation. Homemade pumpkin puree is lighter, airier and has a much more delicate flavor than than the canned stuff. Not to say that canned puree is bad – because it’s not. It’s convenient and makes a damn fine pumpkin pie. But, considering how easy homemade puree is to make, every self-respecting home cook should try it at least once. And luckily for you, dear readers, I am about to show you how. read more >>

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Thursday, October 27, 201112 Comments

While cupcakes will always hold a special place in my heart, the newest trend in sweet treats these days is whoopee pies. Yessiree folks, whoopie pies are hot, hot, hot! And, it’s no surprise either. What’s not to love about a creamy, cloud-like filling sandwiched between two moist and …

Friday, October 21, 201120 Comments

Remember the joys of early air travel? You know, those days where they showed you a movie that you could hear without having to pay for ear buds, stowed your luggage without a fee and actually fed you a free meal on any flight that was longer than two …

Tuesday, November 2, 201085 Comments

I’ve eaten a lot of flan in my day – maybe hundreds of pounds. I’ve eaten it in Mexico, Puerto Rico and in numerous other Caribbean locales. I’ve also eaten it Cuban-style, thanks to an old college roommate whose family was from Cuba. I’ve ordered it in every Latin …

Sunday, October 31, 20105 Comments

I know that today is Sunday and I’m supposed to post a recipe for La Tavola della mia Famiglia. But it’s also Halloween, and I couldn’t let the occasion pass without sharing a few spooktacular pumpkin recipes from the SGCC archives.

Tuesday, October 19, 201026 Comments

One of the many things I love about Dorie’s recipes as that most of them are pretty forgiving. That is to say, that when I’m not paying attention and screw something up, I can usually fix it and no one but me ever knows. Case in point: this …

Serendipity: Pumpkin Cheese Pie with Toffee and Caramel Swirl

Thursday, October 23, 200874 Comments

Have you ever noticed that the most exciting inventions and breakthrough discoveries are sometimes stumbled upon purely by accident? From medical research, to science and technology right on down to recipes, some of our biggest boo boos can be and have been turned into “Eureka!” moments. …

TWD: Pumpkin Muffins

Tuesday, October 21, 200850 Comments

There are two kinds of people in this world: cupcake people and muffin people. I happen to be a cupcake girl. It’s not that I don’t like muffins, because I do. I just like cupcakes more. Some might say cupcakes…..muffins….., they’re pretty much the same …

Saturday, November 24, 20079 Comments

My entry for SHF this month is Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle. This month, the event is being hosted by the lovely Leslie from Definitely Not Martha. The theme she has selected is Beta Carotene Harvest. The idea is to create a dessert using typical harvest gourds and roots, such as …

Monday, November 5, 20073 Comments

Come, said the wind to the leaves one day,
Come o’re the meadows and we will play.
Put on your dresses scarlet and gold,
For summer is gone and the days grow cold. …

kiss the cook!

Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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