When I spied the first Bing cherries of the season at the market the other day, I delightedly stashed a few pounds in my cart. Yes, I know that it’s still a little early for them to be at their peak, but after being cherry deprived for nearly a year, I couldn’t resist stocking up. When I plucked a few out of the bag to snack on later that day, I sadly realized that, as pretty as they were, they were not the sweet, juicy, intensely flavored Bings I’d been pining for. Bummer! Still, at $7.99 a pound, I wasn’t about to waste them. Roasting or baking mediocre fruits always seems to improve their flavor, so I decided to bake my cherries up in a pie.
Filed Under: Baking, Fruits, Pies and Tarts, Recipes