Don’t you hate those crazy days when your feet hit the ground running in the morning and just never seem to be able to stop until the rest of you crumples in a sweaty, exhausted, glassy-eyed heap on the floor about twelve hours later? I’ll bet those of you that have already waved goodbye to forty know what I mean. And then, as you’re trying to resuscitate yourself, you’re met with hungry, quizzical eyes and the dreaded question, “What are you making for dinner?” ARGHHHH! At that point, I usually want to bare my teeth and snarl “Reservations!” But, I usually don’t. After all, it’s not their fault. Although, they could offer to help out once in a while. But, that’s a story for another day…..
Anyway, it’s on nights like those that I usually either call Pizza Hut or dig out a box of Hamburger Helper. No, I’m not proud of it. But I will admit that, on occasion, I have resorted to Hamburger Helper to fill the bellies of my loved ones. Cheeseburger Macaroni is my poison of choice.
Sometimes, however, before total delirium sets in, I still have the presence of mind stop at the store on my way home and pick up something that I can throw together in minutes to stave off the ravenous hordes. Well, not actual hordes. There are only three of us – four, if you count Bella. But, she’s usually happy with a bowl of kibble. read more >>