Happy day! After resisting for years, I finally broke down and joined a CSA. Well, not a true CSA exactly, but close. To be honest, I was never really sold on the idea of getting a big mystery box of produce each week and then having to figure out what to do with it. I kind of like to choose what ingredients I cook with, and plan my meals based on what inspires me. Plus, I wasn’t crazy about the fact that I had to prepay for the season and was locked in every week, whether I was able to use the stuff or not. Still, I loved the idea of having access to all of those lovely fresh fruits and veggies, because lord knows, I can rarely find them at my local market! Enter Suncoast Organics and the perfect solution to my produce dilemma.
Suncoast Organics is a new business in my area that delivers - yes, DELIVERS - just picked, farm fresh, organic produce each week directly to my doorstep. It’s similar to a CSA in that there is a membership fee, but it’s a small one and you don’t have to pay it all up front. Also, I get to choose exactly what products I want and how much of each I want. So, each week, I just click on Suncoast Organics’ web site, check out what’s available for that week, order what I want and pay as I go. Brilliant, right? If I’m going out of town or I just don’t feel like ordering one week, I don’t have to. No wasteful spending and no wasted produce! I still have to pay the $10.00 membership fee, but I can live with that. If I decide to discontinue the service, all I have to do is email Julie and Jim and let them know. It’s a great compromise between a traditional CSA and buying my produce somewhere like Whole Foods. Plus, it’s cheaper than you know where.
Last week I got some interesting things in my veggie basket, including yardlong beans, or Chinese long beans. I have never, ever seen them before at the market, and I’m pretty sure I’d never eaten them before either. I was psyched! read more >>
Filed Under: Asian, Beans and Legumes, Cooking, Pork, Recipes, Vegetables