As I sat down to write this post, to my utter frustration, the words just wouldn’t flow – words I liked, that is. I couldn’t think of any cute meatball stories or anecdotes, or pithy, witty commentary. To be honest, all that kept running through my head was a song that I remembered loving as a child. Don’t you just hate when that happens? You get a tune stuck in your head and you just can’t shake it loose, no matter how hard you try! So, I decided to turn lemons into lemonade and just go with it.
When I was putting this together, I realized that I was really enjoying myself. I actually may create posts like this more often. A day and a half of aggravation turned into a total win-win. I had a bunch of fun and got my meatball post up. And you, dear readers, get some nice pictures, a cute song and a fabulous meatball recipe – all without having to wade through a lot of verbosity.
Filed Under: Beef and Veal, Italian, Recipes