Autumn Falls In: Bacon-Pecan Brussels Sprouts Saute

Monday, September 22, 2008


Today is the Autumnal Equinox. An equinox is “either of two points on the celestial sphere where the ecliptic and the celestial equator intersect.” For the rest of us, it’s one of two times each year when the Sun crosses the equator, and the day and night are the same length. Today, at 11:44:18 a.m. EDT, the Sun will have crossed the celestial equator, from north to south, marking the beginning of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.

In most other parts of the world, there would be obvious signs hinting of this day; a crispness in the air, touches of yellows and orange at the tops of the trees, a kiss of morning mist. But in the South, Autumn sneaks in on tiptoes. An early morning 75 degrees this past few days has felt distinctly different from the early morning 75 degrees two weeks ago. And the air looks just the merest touch clearer - the curves and angles of the landscape ever so slightly sharper. The change is barely perceptible, but I know it’s there. I can see it. I can feel it too.


And then there’s the moon. That magnificent harvest moon that makes an appearance around the same time each year! A few nights ago, as I was driving home from a meeting, I saw it. A giant, red-tinged golden orb in the sky, gilding everything below it with its warm, shimmering light.


Another harbinger of Autumn’s arrival is seen in our gardens and our markets. A profusion of Fall fruits and vegetables have been popping up all over. Crisp apples, juicy pears, grapes, butternut squash and pumpkins, among others, are beginning to line the shelves in the produce department, waiting to be transformed into pies, tarts, soups and the like.


I found some vibrant and very fresh Brussels sprouts the other day. Since they are one of Mr. SGCC’s favorite vegetables, I decided to pick some up and see what I could create with them. I came up with this dish, which is a variation on one that I usually make for Thanksgiving dinner. Instead of cooking the sprouts whole, I sliced them very thinly and sauteed them with chopped pecans, champagne grapes and…..bacon.

Let me tell you, they were outstanding! Slicing the Brussels sprouts enabled the other flavors in the dish to really permeate them. Each bite had the perfect balance of smoky bacon, crunchy pecans and sweet baby grapes that just popped in our mouths. If you can’t find champagne grapes, you could also use seedless red grapes in this dish. I really urge you to try this one, even if you don’t love Brussels sprouts. I swear, you’ll never look at them the same way again!



Here are some other great ways to use Brussels sprouts:

Golden Crusted Brussels Sprouts from 101 Cookbooks

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Balsamic, Parmesan, and Pine Nuts from Kalyn’s Kitchen

Hashed Brussels Sprouts with Lemon from Simply Recipes

Curried Brussels Sprouts from White on Rice Couple

Cream Braised Brussels Sprouts from Orangette

kiss the cook!

Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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