Contact Susan!

Please feel free to send me a message using this contact form if:

  1. You need to get in touch with me, have a question about a recipe or just want to say hi;
  2. You’re interested in procuring my services as a food writer, recipe tester or photographer;
  3. You are a vendor who is interested in having me review a product on SGCC. (Please note however, that I don’t agree to review every product that gets pitched. So, please don’t send requests about teeth whiteners, Botox or duck tongues. Okay? Thanks.)

I promise to respond as soon as I can!

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kiss the cook!

Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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