I usually shy away from those “apology” posts that some put up when they haven’t blogged in a while. I find them self indulgent. I figure that if you miss a few weeks of blogging, the earth will still go right on spinning until you can jump back in. However, after my last exasperated post about my Buttery Lemon Bars “Recipe in Pictures”, I was afraid that you might think I’d thrown in the dish towel, and that is not the case.
Life has a way of taking us by surprise from time to time, and sometimes, you just have to stop until you can catch your breath. There have been some very stressful things going on in my life these past few months and I am trying to catch my breath. The truth is, that lately I simply haven’t been cooking much or baking at all, because I don’t have the time or energy to do so. And those of you who blog, understand that it’s not just about preparing food. Putting up a post worth reading involves taking lots of photos, editing them and actually writing something interesting – all of which are time consuming and labor intensive.
On a brighter note, I have to tell you that I have the best readers in the world! Several of you have emailed to check in on me. It warms my heart to know that there are people out there who actually miss me and this little blog of mine. Please don’t worry. Nobody is sick, dying or getting divorced! It’s a temporary thing. In fact, I’m even planning some updates and new features for SGCC. And, I’m really going to try to spend some time this weekend whipping up some fabulous treats for you – so I hope you’re hungry! Until then, just breathe!
Filed Under: Announcements, Blogging, Musings