A Fabulous Little Cranberry Chutney Recipe and a Great, Big Rant

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Sometimes my life feels like a bad episode of the Twilight Zone. It’s like I live in Bizzaroland! Seriously. I seem to have a knack of getting myself into situations where sometimes all I can do is thwack myself on the head in disbelief at the lunacy that surrounds me. Take last weekend, for instance. On Friday I received my much anticipated order of fancy schmancy, imported French fruit purees. These are the purees that I use to make my lovely pate de fruits that I give as Holiday gifts. After processing, the order was supposed to only take three days to deliver. It took two weeks. But, that’s beside the point.

As you can imagine, when my package arrived, I opened it immediately. Since the purees were frozen, I wanted to get them all settled in the freezer as soon as possible. As soon as I reached into the box, I noticed a pool of sticky orange liquid lying there. When I lifted the first container of puree out of the box, said sticky, orange liquid began dripping all over my hand and onto my floor.

Uh oh! This was not good.

Upon further inspection, I realized my precious fruit purees were all completely melted. Yes, people, all six kilos! In fact, the containers weren’t even cold to the touch. And, two of them were not even sealed, which explained the sticky orange liquid. Of course, since they were already thawed out, I couldn’t use them anymore. They were worthless to me. And let me tell you, they were not cheap!

Bad Day At The Office


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Los Frijoles Refritos de SGCC (Refried Beans)

Thursday, September 30, 20109 Comments

For years and years, I thought that refried beans were just an ubiquitous substance that automatically made its way onto the plates in most Mexican restaurants. They always had the same mushy, pureed texture, with a few small lumps here and there. They also almost always tasted the same, …

Enchiladas Suizas with Quick Avocado Salsa

Tuesday, September 28, 201020 Comments

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Spaghetti Squash Gratin

Thursday, September 23, 201020 Comments

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La Tavola della mia Famiglia: Fettuccine al Sugo di Pollo e Funghi

Sunday, August 15, 201045 Comments

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Spicy Melon Salsa and the Salsabol

Sunday, August 1, 201022 Comments

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Pasta con le Regaglie is Offaly Good Eats (or One Mans Trash is Another Mans Treasure)

Saturday, July 24, 201020 Comments

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Maple-Mustard Glazed Salmon

Thursday, July 15, 201021 Comments

Don’t you hate those crazy days when your feet hit the ground running in the morning and just never seem to be able to stop until the rest of you crumples in a sweaty, exhausted, glassy-eyed heap on the floor about twelve hours later? I’ll bet those of you …

Chiles Rellenos for Fathers Day (and the Biggest Mess I ever Made)

Sunday, June 20, 201029 Comments

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Garofalo Signature Pasta, Pasta and More Pasta!

Tuesday, May 25, 201020 Comments

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kiss the cook!

Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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