Coconut-Almond Thumbprint Macaroons Recipe

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Before I became a food blogger, the term “macaroons” meant only one thing: craggy little balls of toasted coconut surrounding a sweet and chewy center. And, while I’ve since become quite familiar with the delicate and ethereal French macarons that seem to be spun from almonds and air, I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for the former. They’re what I grew up on, and evoke fond memories of years gone by. To this day, if I close my eyes as I bite into a coconut macaroon, I’m five years-old again – holding my daddy’s hand as we stroll down Morris Park on a Sunday morning, toting our white bakery bag filled with goodies. Good times…


Coconut macaroons remind me of springtime. Their popularity seems to swell around Passover and Eastertime, both of which occur in the Spring. Plus, they look like little bird’s nests – especially when made as thumbprints filled with tiny dollops of jam. And, they’re so simple to make – much easier than their finicky French cousins. read more >>

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Nutty for Homemade Vanilla Almond Milk

Wednesday, March 13, 20139 Comments

Everyone here at Chez SGCC is lactose intolerant in varying degrees. Luckily for me, I’m the least affected. That means I still get to have ice cream from time to time. And, a world without ice cream is a very sad place. However, except for yogurt, we try to …

Chocolate Dipped Oreo Cookies for Any Occasion

Friday, February 15, 20139 Comments

I know that Valentine’s Day is over, but I thought these cuties were worth sharing. I wanted to make a little something special for some friends on Valentines Day. But as usual, time got away from me. These little treats were so easy to whip up - and I …

Homemade Pumpkin Puree

Sunday, November 11, 20128 Comments

Some of you may not realize this, but pumpkin puree does not originate in a can. I know I didn’t. In fact, it starts with real honest-to-goodness pumpkins. Shocking, huh? When I fist learned that I could make my own pumpkin puree from scratch, it was a revelation. Homemade …

Pasta Fazool for Cavemen

Thursday, October 25, 20129 Comments

A lot of things have changed here at Chez SGCC now that Mr. SGCC and I are empty nesters, not the least of which is how we eat. Our dinners have become more laid back, with a lot more salads, sandwiches and take-out taking center stage on our table. …

Speculoos Cookie Butter Cups aka Chocolate Covered Crack

Monday, September 17, 201232 Comments

Since I now have a stockpile of TJ’s Cookie Butter in my pantry, I decided that I should probably justify my greed by trying it in a few recipes. You know, in the name of “research”. Lots of tantalizing treats came to mind: cheesecake, ice cream, and…Cookie Butter Cups. Cookie Butter Cups! Gah! As if my obsession wasn’t already bad enough, now I was going to smother it in chocolate.

Thursday, September 6, 201211 Comments


The kids are back in school. Labor Day has come and gone. And, the nights are getting longer. All of these are signs that summer is winding down. For me, another tip off is the profusion of fresh figs that start hitting the supermarkets right about now. Rows …

Hawaiian Spam Pizza

Tuesday, August 28, 20125 Comments

Well, that was certainly one anti-climactic weekend! We’ve all spent the last three days scrounging around in the supermarkets for bottled water, batteries, granola bars and canned meats in anticipation of Tropical Storm Isaac. “Prepare now! “Do not wait!”, we were told. I don’t usually get too hot and …

Tuesday, August 21, 201221 Comments

Do you ever imagine what your life would be like if you could have a “do over”? If you could just pick up and move wherever you wanted, where would you go and what would you do? I think about that a lot – not because I don’t like …

Saturday, August 11, 201230 Comments

When I was a freshman in college, the arrival of a plain, brown paper package at the campus post office could only mean one thing for the recipient – food from home. For me, it specifically meant baked goods and other treats that I didn’t have access to living …

kiss the cook!

Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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