The Lonesome Traveler Gets Grounded (or United Airlines Sucks)

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Do you remember the old United Airlines slogan “Fly the Friendly Skies”? It was the tagline on most of the company’s advertising from 1966 to about 1996. They promised an idyllic in-flight experience comparable to what you might encounter at a 4-star resort. Take a look:

Doesn’t that look like fun? I don’t know about you, but I sure want Nancy as my flight attendant the next time I fly anywhere!

Well, let me tell you something, people. United’s skies may be friendly, but here on the ground the airline is anything but! In fact, this next video is a much more accurate representation of the treatment I received a few days ago when I attempted to fly to California from the Tampa International Airport. read more >>

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The Lonesome Traveler Hits San Francisco: BlogHer Food

Saturday, October 10, 200921 Comments

Sheesh! It’s unbelievable how long it took me to prepare this post! It’s also unbelievable to find that after shooting almost 500 pictures, how few were actually usable! Such is the cross of a food blogger, I guess. But, I couldn’t not tell you about the rest of …

The Lonesome Traveler Hits San Francisco: Part 1

Friday, October 2, 200941 Comments

Well, dear readers, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m happy to report that I have not dropped off of the face of the Earth. On the contrary, I’ve been off on a new adventure and I can’t wait to tell you about it! One week ago, I, aka …

Welcome to My New Digs!

Friday, July 10, 2009110 Comments

Hey, there! Welcome to my new home on the web. Come on in, grab a cup of coffee and take a look around the new and improved Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy! I hope you love it as much as I do!
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Bye, Bye Blogger, Goodbye

Friday, July 10, 20098 Comments

Well, Dear Readers, the time has come for me to spread my wings and fly. I created this blog on Blogger in September of 2007, and at the time it was the right choice for me. I was brand new to blogging and knew next to nothing …

July Dinner and a Movie: Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Sunday, July 5, 200947 Comments

For this month’s Dinner and a Movie event, I’ve selected another one of my favorite films of all time - Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Released in 1961, Breakfast at Tiffany’s is an utterly delightful, yet occasionally dark film about life, love and following your dreams. It was …

My Great Seattle Adventure, Part 2: Friends, Fun and (Lots of) Food

Thursday, May 28, 200934 Comments

I started writing this post about five different times, and it has taken forever! I wanted to get it just right! Each time, I’d get a few paragraphs in and then I’d have to stop and start over. It just seemed so overwhelming! How do I …

My Great Seattle Adventure, Part 1: The Lonesome Traveler

Thursday, May 21, 200943 Comments

If you read my last post here on SGCC, you already know that I trekked all the way out to Seattle (from Florida!) last week for the International Food Blogger Conference sponsored by Foodista. At the time I decided to go, I honestly didn’t know much …

Don’t Miss the Premiere of Dinner and a Movie!

Monday, January 26, 200943 Comments

I have some exciting news for you! Well, I hope you’ll find it exciting, because I sure do. A while back, I told you all about my idea for a new monthly blog feature called Dinner and a Movie. As it turns out, the very talented …

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Wednesday, December 31, 200843 Comments

I always seem to get very introspective this time of year. I’m not sure why that is. Maybe it has something to do with closing one chapter of my life and moving on to another - leaving behind the bad and bringing along the good. …

kiss the cook!

Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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