
Hello and welcome to Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy!

My name is Susan and I love to cook, bake, write and most of all, EAT! I’m a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had.

I live on the beautiful Gulf Coast of Florida with my handsome, carniverous caveman of a husband, Mr. SGCC and my smart, talented and gorgeous teenaged daughter, Mini SGCC. They are my main sous chefs and taste testers.

About the Recipes

I created this blog primarily as a means of journaling the recipes I love, as well as my escapades in the kitchen while making them. Here you will find not only my successes, but my flops as well! Many of the recipes you’ll see on this site are treasured family heirlooms that have been passed down to me by my mother and grandmother. Others have been gathered from my vast collection of cookbooks and magazines, or discovered on the many wonderful food blogs and web sites that inspire me every day. I always try to give proper attribution for these. The rest were created by me. I have actually tested every recipe in my own kitchen, for family and friends to enjoy.

The recipes on this site are all organized by category. An index of them can be found on the Recipes page. A text-only version of each post can be generated and printed out for personal use by clicking on the “Print this post” icon at the end of each post. I’ve also recently added the option of printing the recipes only, and I’m slowly converting all of my posts to that format. Any recipe shown in a pink box with a “Print this” button on the upper right can be printed out this way. Just click on the button and print away!

About the Photos

Unless otherwise noted, all of the food photos on this site have also been taken by me. I take most of my shots using a Canon 5D Mark II with assorted lenses, my favorite of which is a Canon 100mm macro lens. I use a Manfrotto tripod with a Really Right Stuff ball head. Most of my photographs are taken either outside on my lanai, or inside in the little makeshift photography studio that I set up under a big bay window in my bedroom. When taking indoor photos, I sometimes use one or two Lowel EGO lights to supplement the available natural light. I am always happy to answer any questions about my photography, so if you’re curious, please feel free to ask.


If you’re interested to see all of the other places where SGCC or I have been featured, you can find it all on my Buzz page. I also keep a list of awards I’ve received and some of the events I’ve participated in there as well.


The food blog community is one of the most talented, creative and diverse represented on the web. On my Love page, you will find a lengthy list of fabulous food blogs. These are the ones that I enjoy visiting regularly and that’s why I put them on my blogroll. I don’t exchange links, unless I really want to. It’s nothing personal. Of course, I’m only human and I make mistakes. If I haven’t listed your blog on the blogroll and you think your blog is fabulous too, please contact me and I’ll be happy to check it out!


My move over to WordPress has given me the opportunity to add many new features to SGCC. One that I’m really excited about is my new Amazon store! In it, I’ve listed tons of great kitchen appliances, gadgets, cookbooks and more. I’ve also included sections on camera and photo gear, as well as some of my favorite music to cook by. It is still a work in progress, but if you have some money burning a hole in your pocket, click on my Shop page and browse a while!


I’ve also included a Contact page on this site. If you have a question about a recipe or just want to say hi, feel free to send me a message there.

If you are a vendor who is interested in having me review a product on SGCC, this is the best way to get in touch. Please note, however, that I don’t agree to review every product that gets pitched. So, please don’t send requests about teeth whiteners, Botox or duck tongues. Okay? Thanks.

If you’d like to get in touch with me via email, you can do so at:



If you’re looking for something in particular on SGCC, you can search for it in the search box at the top right of each page. You can also browse the site using the Archives page. There, you will find all of my entries organized by the month and year they were posted. Please be kind! There were an awful lot of terrible pictures back in the early days!


I love getting comments and I look forward to them! I try to respond to as many as I can. I most definitely will respond to any questions about a particular recipe. I’m not really into censorship, so all I ask is that you be respectful of me and the other visitors to this site. Spirited dialogue and constructive criticism are welcome. Rude, mean, or obnoxious comments are not. Neither is spam. If any of these kinds of comments appear, they will be deleted.

Using My Stuff

All of the content and images on SGCC were provided by yours truly. I’ve worked very hard to create this content. All images and text are copyrighted. My work may not be copied, distributed or displayed without my permission, and must always be attributed to me. I’m pretty liberal about giving permission, so please ask first if you want to use my stuff. I tend to get really annoyed when I find that my content has been lifted and passed off as someone else’s! Remember, I am a lawyer, so……do yourself a favor and just. ask. first.


I like to think I’m perfect, but unfortunately, I’m not. If you notice any typos, broken links or other goofs, please let me know. Also, I am always looking for ways to improve my site and make it more user-friendly. If you have any ideas or suggestions in that regard, I’m open to them!

That’s pretty much it.

I truly hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here at SGCC, and visit often!

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