Not Your Mamas English Muffin Pizza

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Remember eating English muffin pizzas as a kid? I do. My mom used to make them for us all the time. She’d take a few muffins, slather on some marinara sauce (homemade, of course) and top it with whatever kind of cheese she happened to have in the fridge. Then, she’d pop them in the toaster oven until they were hot and bubbly. The sauce would puddle up and settle into those nooks and crannies under a gooey blanket of melted cheese. We loved them!

Later on, when I was in college, English muffin pizza became one of the mainstays of my diet – and my social life. With a hotpot and toaster oven being the only appliances allowed in my dorm room, my culinary options were limited to canned soup, ramen noodles and whatever I could find to toast. Preparing anything beyond that required both resourcefulness and creativity. I spent many a late night study break whipping up English muffin pizzas for my dorm mates and me with sauce from a jar and regular old Kraft singles. It was far from gourmet, but every bite was filled with the taste of sweet independence. read more >>

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And, the Keurig Giveaway Winner is –

Monday, August 1, 201118 Comments

Your hubby will be happy to learn that he is now off the hook! I’ll be in touch soon to get your mailing address, so that Keurig can sent you your very own Platinum Home Brewing System.

Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway. I …

Green Bean and Potato Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette Recipe

Thursday, July 28, 201110 Comments

With the heat-o-meter high up in the stratosphere these days, I’m always looking for ways to keep cool. Spending hours in a hot, steamy kitchen, churning out heavy meals is not my idea of a good time! This is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of what the summer’s …

Vietnamese Coffee Popsicles Recipe and a Giveaway from Keurig

Sunday, July 24, 2011227 Comments

I couldn’t live without my coffee! Seriously, I don’t just drink it for the caffeine kick, although that is a plus. I really enjoy the taste of coffee. And, I love waking up in morning to the wonderful aroma of fresh coffee brewing. What I don’t love so much …

Raspberry Buttermilk Pie Recipe and the Perils of Progress

Friday, July 22, 201124 Comments

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Coconut Fro Yo Recipe and a Series of Unfortunate Events

Thursday, July 14, 201129 Comments

I have to tell you, people, I never intended to publish this post. Ever hear of Murphy’s Law - If anything can go wrong, it will? Well, that’s how it was for me from the first moment I decided to make this Coconut Fro Yo. First of all, when …

Peachy Keen Buttermilk Cake Recipe

Sunday, July 10, 201122 Comments

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Chinese Takeout Pizza Recipe

Tuesday, July 5, 201116 Comments

It seems like all I ever do lately is complain about the heat? Well, that’s because it’s HOT here, people! Really, really hot. And humid. Hot and humid is miserable. Thus, I am miserable too. Hot, cranky and miserable! Yes, I know it could be worse. The grass is …

Red, White and Blue Ricotta Tart Recipe for a Tasty Fourth

Friday, July 1, 201112 Comments

Last week, I made a batch of the most luscious homemade ricotta cheese. I do this often. Ricotta is super easy to make, and the homemade stuff is so, so delicious. Unfortunately, I got a distracted and left it draining in cheesecloth longer than I’d planned. The result was …

Presto Pesto Pasta Salad Recipe

Tuesday, June 28, 201120 Comments

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kiss the cook!

Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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