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Spicy Melon Salsa and the Salsabol

Posted By Susan On August 1, 2010 @ 11:35 pm In Appetizers, Dips and Small Bites,Cool Products,Mexican,Product Reviews,Recipes,Sauces, Salsas and Salad Dressings | 22 Comments

A few weeks ago, I got an email from Tom and Michael [1], two recent college grads with a passion for design, business and salsa. They asked me if I would be interested in trying out their new invention – the Salsabol [2]. Salsabol? It sounded pretty interesting, so of course, I said yes.

It seems that like many of us, Tom and Michael were sick and tired of scooping up salsa and having it fall off of their chips. They knew that there must be a better and neater way to serve salsa and other dips, so they decided to put their heads together and create one. The result is the Salsabol.

The Salsabol is an elegantly crafted and highly functional ceramic bowl designed to put an end to spilled salsa messes forever. It features a unique, patent-pending lip that pushes your salsa or dip back onto your chip for the perfect scoop every time! Imagine! You’ll never have to scrape salsa splotches off of your tablecloth again!

Here’s how it works.

The raised side of the Salsabol curves back over into the bowl to form a perfectly-engineered ramp to guide the salsa directly onto your chip. Just scoop your chip up the high side and the “bol” will do the rest! Brilliant!

The first thing I noticed when I took my Salsabol out of its box is how pretty it is. It has a sleek, curvy shape that will go with any decor. Plus, you can get it in any color you like, as long as it’s yellow. Luckily, I happen to love yellow.

To “christen” my new Salsabol, I decided to make some delicious homemade salsa over the weekend. This Spicy Melon Salsa is quite possibly one of the best salsas I’ve ever eaten, and it is a snap to make! It’s put together with a mix of cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon, blended with some red onion, jalapeno, lime juice, fresh mint and my secret ingredient – Sriracha sauce. That’s right – Sriracha! It gives this salsa the perfect little spicy kick without making it too hot to handle.

All you do is dice up the melons, onion, jalapeno and mint in little, tiny pieces and swirl in the lime juice and Sriracha. I also added a large pinch of both salt and sugar to balance out the flavors. Although, if your melons are super sweet, you could probably leave out the sugar.

I’d never had a salsa made with melons before, but I often add them to salads. I love the cool and refreshing aspect they bring to a dish. They definitely came through for me in this salsa. It was light, crisp and just slightly sweet, playing perfectly off of the tart lime and spicy Sriracha.

And yes, my Salsabol worked great! Not a drop of that lovely salsa went anywhere but on the blue corn chips I served it with.

If you want to join the Salsabol revolution too, visit Tom and Michael’s site and get a Salsabol [3] for yourself. I think it’s gonna be big!

*The Salsabol was provided to me free of charge by the company in the hope that I would like it and review it on this site. I did like it and this review reflects my personal opinion of the product. I make no other guarantees or warranties regarding the product.


Article printed from Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy: https://stickygooeycreamychewy.com

URL to article: https://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2010/08/01/spicy-melon-salsa-and-the-salsabol/

URLs in this post:

[1] Tom and Michael: http://www.salsabol.com/who.html

[2] Salsabol: http://www.salsabol.com/what.html

[3] get a Salsabol: http://store.salsabol.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=SB01

[4] [Translate]: https://stickygooeycreamychewy.comjavascript:show_translate_popup(

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