Nutella-Pistachio Brioche for World Bread Day

Thursday, October 16, 2008


It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of the fabulous baking book, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois. In fact, I think I would suffer actual physical pain if I were to be without it! It’s a rare occasion when I don’t have a big hunk of my favorite brioche dough at my beck and call, lurking in my fridge.

A few weeks ago, I broke off a lump of that dough to make one of my absolute favorite things - Almond Brioche or Bostock. I was really craving it! As I gathered the rest of my ingredients, the unthinkable happened. I was out of almond paste. Ack! After a few “sh*ts and “dammits”, (which nobody heard anyway since I was all alone), I tried to think of something else to make with my lovely brioche dough. I was running low on bittersweet chocolate too, so a chocolate-filled brioche was out. Then, I spied a brand new, unopened jar of Nutella in my pantry. I don’t even remember buying it, (must have been Mini SGCC), but there it was, sweetly singing my name. I raided my Mr. SGCC’s secret stash of pistachio nuts (he thinks I don’t know about it), and decided to use some of them too. Thus, this Nutella-Pistachio Brioche was born.


Actually, there was nothing really groundbreaking about my little invention. I used the recipe in the book for Brioche Filled With Chocolate Ganache. All I did was swap out the chocolate for the Nutella and add some chopped pistachios and turbinado sugar on top. Still, I felt pretty damn proud of myself for my resourcefulness in the face of adversity!

My end result was all I’d hoped for and more! The brioche was golden and buttery. The Nutella filling was oozey, rich and chocolatey. The whole package was devastatingly delicious! It was sticky, gooey, creamy and chewy at its best! Trust me. The pictures don’t do it justice.


World Bread Day 2008

Since today is World Bread Day 2008, I’m sending this over to Zorra from Kochtopf, the host for the event. The original World Bread Day was created by the International Union of Bakers and Bakers-Confectioners (UIB). According to their web site, the impetus behind this event is:

“All over the world bread bears a highly symbolic power: It stands for solidarity as well as the ability to share. As a universal product, found in every civilisation, made out of various types of grain, characterised by the manifold fermentation processes and the different ways of baking, bread - even now in the third millennium - accompanies every meal.

Staple food for some, luxury or modern dietary food for others - bread in itself means so much that it deserves a World Day in its honour! The World Bread Day wants to provide an opportunity to talk about bread and bakers, to find out about their history, their importance as well as their future.”

Sounds good to me!


I also want to mention that I’ve recently had the opportunity to meet Zoe Francois through Twitter. She is a charming woman and an incredibly talented baker. If you get a chance, go visit her at her terrific blog, Zoe Bakes and let her know how much you love her book too!

Nutella-Pistachio Brioche (Printable Recipe)


1 1/2 pounds brioche dough (recipe here)
1 jar of Nutella
1 tablespoon butter for greasing the pan
1 egg white, lightly beaten with 1 tablespoon water
1/4 cup chopped pistachio nuts mixed with 3 tablespoons turbinado sugar for sprinkling on top


Dust the surface of the dough with flour and cut off a cantaloupe-sized piece. Dust the piece with more flour and quickly shape it into a ball by stretching the surface around to the bottom on all four sides, rotating the ball a quarter turn as you go. Roll the dough into a 1/4 inch thick rectangle on a lightly floured surface. Use just enough flour to prevent it from sticking.

Spread the Nutella evenly all over the rectangle, leaving a 1-inch border all around. Roll up the dough, jellyroll-style starting at the long end, and being sure to seal the bare edges. Chill the roll in the freezer for about 15 minutes.

Generously grease an 8-inch round cake pan with butter. Sprinkle the pan with a dusting of granulated sugar.

Cut the chilled dough into 8 equal pieces. Place them in the prepared pan with the swirled edge facing up. Let the dough rest for 1 hour.

Preheat the oven at 350 degrees F. for 20 minutes.

Lightly brush the top of the brioche with the egg white mixture. Mix the turbinado sugar and pistachio nuts together and sprinkle over the brioche. Bake without steam until golden brown and set in the center, about 45 minutes, until golden brown.

Run a knife around the inside of the pan to release the brioche and place it into a serving dish.

Slice, eat warm and enjoy!

Here are a few other delicious recipes I’ve made from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day:



No Knead Doughnuts



Easy Almond Brioche



No Knead Easter Bread

And, let’s not forget the original No Knead Bread (the second post I ever wrote)


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Filed Under: Baking, Blogging Events, Breads and Pizza, Breakfast and Brunch, Recipes

Tags: Artisan Bread in Five, brioche, Nutella, World Bread Day

68 responses to Nutella-Pistachio Brioche for World Bread Day

  1. On October 16, 2008 at 11:28am, Mandy said...

    oh Susan, your brioche looks fantastic! And yes, you have every right to be proud of yourself. A whole jar of Nutella + pistachio + buttery dough= irresistable yum!

  2. On October 16, 2008 at 11:34am, Jen Yu said...

    honey! that bread looks like a party that i need to get to! nice save (if you can call it that, i think it’s pure genius). i need to learn to make brioche because i loooooove it. thanks for the inspiration. but you are always an inspiration to me :)

  3. On October 16, 2008 at 11:52am, Little Ol' Liz said...

    Oh man…I was doing good, stiff upper lip in the face of all that buttery, eggey, chocolatey goodness, and then came that last up close photo and I’ve done for, I tell ya!

    Stick a fork in me. Turn out the lights. I’m searching for the Nutella and I’m not going to stop until I find it!

  4. On October 16, 2008 at 12:07pm, Gabi said...

    Heck - I didn’t know there was a World Bread Day!

    Great recipe! Thanks!

    Gabi @

  5. On October 16, 2008 at 12:12pm, Rhiani said...

    That looks absolutely delicious. I haven’t eaten breakfast yet and now I don’t want anything that I currently have on hand for breakfast…I want your brioche!

  6. On October 16, 2008 at 12:14pm, Rachel said...

    This looks insanely good. I don’t know how I missed world bread day-I just made my first ever loaf of bread last week, and this would have been a great excuse for a second….
    Oh well at least now I know what my next loaf will be…definitely your brioche! Thanks!

  7. On October 16, 2008 at 12:31pm, The Short (dis)Order Cook said...

    OMG! OMG! OMG! You are killing me!

    Nutella? Pistachios? I want some of this NOW. NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!

    Okay. I’m calm. I’m rational. I’m really trying to be. I’m trying to be a sane normal person (or as sane and normal as I can possibly be which actually isn’t very sane at all) and not just feel like I will kill someone if I don’t get to eat this in 5 minutes, but it’s HARD. You have put two of my favorite things in the world into a nice sweet bread and stuck a photo in my face and well, it’s really hard not to just want to sit there and dream about how good it tastes.

    BTW, how can you possibly have an unopened jar of Nutella in the house? That would never happen in my world. I am impressed.

  8. On October 16, 2008 at 12:35pm, vibi said...

    Although I’m terrible with bread and be tempted to say “Forget the bread, I’m sticking to the Nutella and pistachio filling!” …I won’t, because unlike me, you seem to be carving yourself a cozy place in the bread goddess underworld!
    Everything in that recipe looks scrumptious!

  9. On October 16, 2008 at 12:55pm, Deborah said...

    this looks AMAZING!!

  10. On October 16, 2008 at 1:02pm, CookiePie said...

    oh WOW does that look sensational!!!

  11. On October 16, 2008 at 1:09pm, Lisa said...

    This brioche really appeals to me. Since I was in Switzerland recently I keep running across all things Nutella. Not long ago I had Nutella filled crepes at a wonderful new bakery nearby and now I find this amazing recipe. I love experimenting with fun new ingredients. Thanks for the inspirations.

  12. On October 16, 2008 at 1:17pm, Clumbsy Cookie said...

    I feel like singing “heaven, I’m in heaven…” That looks amazing and since I love brioche, pistachios AND nutella I would really be in heaven eating a piece of that!

  13. On October 16, 2008 at 3:51pm, StickyGooeyCreamyChewy said...

    Mandy- Thank you! Glad you liked it!

    Jen- Come on over! There’s always room here for you! The beauty of this bread is that it is impossibly easy to make. I’ve done it the hard way and this way. Both are fab and this one can be made in a fraction of the time.

    Liz- Lol! You crack me up! I’m glad you like it. :)

    Gabi- You’re welcome! I almost forgot about it too.

    Rhiani- Uh oh! I hate when that happens. 😉

    Rachel- Thanks! Sorry you missed WBD. I almost did too. Luckily, it happens every year.

    S(d)OC- Stop! I’m laughing so hard, I’m snorting selzer through my nose! Take a deep breath, go to the store, buy some Nutella and nuts, and make some NOW!

    Vibi- Thanks! You’re sweet. Believe me, I’m no expert with bread. This just happens to be a very forgiving recipe!

    Deborah- Thanks so much!

    CookiePie- Thanks! Glad you like it!

    Lisa- Oooh! I adore those Nutella crepes. I could eat a mountain of them! So glad you like the brioche!

    Cookie- Lol! I love that song! Thank you very much! :)

  14. On October 16, 2008 at 4:01pm, Jeff Hertzberg said...

    Susan: Thanks so much for mentioning us here, we're so flattered. I'm Jeff Hertzberg, one of the co-authors of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. I'm so glad our recipes are working well for you. Come visit us anytime at, where you can post questions into any "Comments" field, or click on "Bread Questions" on the left side of the homepage and choose among the options.

    Jeff Hertzberg

    Chicago tribune video:

  15. On October 16, 2008 at 4:51pm, Darius T. Williams said...

    Shhhh - don’t tell anyone…but can you believe I’ve never had nutella? I so wanna try it. THIS looks great!


  16. On October 16, 2008 at 5:04pm, Manggy said...

    You might call the bread the SGCC mascot, huh? :) I know this is semi-blasphemous but I think I’d rather have the nutella bread than actual chocolate! From improvisation comes genius, I love it :)

  17. On October 16, 2008 at 5:13pm, noble pig said...

    Oh my word the oozing nutella. Wow, that made my heart skip a beat. I can imagine what biting into this was like. Thanks for the afternoon thrill.

  18. On October 16, 2008 at 5:37pm, squawmama said...

    I am so excited that you posted it was World Day of Bread … I sat right down and ate an entire loaf of thick crusty bread with a little bit of cheese throw in.. Just for the occasion… LOVE the recipe thanks… I have used Nutella in a lot of recipes but this is a new one… I will be trying it soon…


  19. On October 16, 2008 at 6:07pm, Nicole said...

    This looks so rich and moist and delish! I had no idea it was world bread day… I guess we should eat some tonight. Too bad I didn’t make any!

  20. On October 16, 2008 at 6:40pm, Erin said...

    This looks fabulous! What a great combination! I love brioche :)

  21. On October 16, 2008 at 7:14pm, Kevin said...

    That looks SO good!! Just look at the nutella oozing out. I like the use of the pistachios; they give it a nice colour.

  22. On October 16, 2008 at 7:51pm, Chocolate Shavings said...

    Wow.. that looks decadently delicious!

  23. On October 16, 2008 at 7:59pm, Judy@nofearentertaining said...

    Oh Susan, that looks so good. I really knead to get that book!

  24. On October 16, 2008 at 8:55pm, SteamyKitchen said...

    Love it! Anything with Nutella!

  25. On October 16, 2008 at 9:05pm, Engineer Baker said...

    Holy moley, that is just too good. Now I totally need to begin keeping a stash of brioche dough in my fridge. And nutella in my pantry. Uh oh, this could be dangerous…

  26. On October 16, 2008 at 9:37pm, Ginny said...

    wow! I’m drooling! I just want to grab a hunk and go to town! Nutella is fabulous! :)

  27. On October 16, 2008 at 9:45pm, Heather said...

    ohhh! nutella and pistachio! that sounds delicious! this bread looks lovely, so moist and hearty!

  28. On October 16, 2008 at 9:47pm, Zoe Francois said...

    Wow, these look over-the-top delicious! I’m so excited that you used our book to create this gorgeous dessert. Absolutely fabulous! Thank you over and over for sharing this on World Bread Day! Zoë

  29. On October 16, 2008 at 10:03pm, SavoryTv said...

    Just reading the word “Nutella” sends my heart racing! Your bread looks amazing :)

  30. On October 16, 2008 at 10:51pm, FFichiban said...

    Melty and oozy indeed! Looks fantastic and the pistachio and hazelnut combo would be awesome yeah?

  31. On October 17, 2008 at 3:46am, Freya said...

    Gooey, ooohy and yummy!! I love Nutella!!

  32. On October 17, 2008 at 4:33am, Cristine said...

    HOLY MOLY! That looks amazing! I recently bought the Artisan book but haven’t used it yet. It looks like I know what my first recipe will be! :)

  33. On October 17, 2008 at 6:42am, Peter M said...

    (Singing) “Heaven…I’m in pistachio hea-vennnn”!

  34. On October 17, 2008 at 7:11am, MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

    Don’t you just love it when Nutella starts sweetly singing your name ;0)
    Yes, I would guess this would be devastatingly delicious!

  35. On October 17, 2008 at 8:03am, mikky said...

    your bread, it’s got to be finger licking good… :)

  36. On October 17, 2008 at 8:11am, Núria said...

    Wow Susan! No wonder you are proud of yourself!!! I’m too!!! He, he 😀 That brioche is superb! My daugther would love it for sure… and the rest of the family too. I’ll check and see if the brioche dough is too hard and now that I baked my first pie, this could be my second ;D

  37. On October 17, 2008 at 8:54am, Lisa magicsprinkles said...

    World Bread Day? Who knew?
    Your brioche looks so… sticky, gooey, creamy and chewy ;D

  38. On October 17, 2008 at 9:16am, nicisme said...

    Looks brilliant, and with Nutella too… mmmmm

  39. On October 17, 2008 at 9:56am, Alexa said...

    I would be in heaven with such a treat. It sounds incredibly delicious. Pure genius!

  40. On October 17, 2008 at 10:35am, StickyGooeyCreamyChewy said...

    Jeff- It was my pleasure! I really love your book and I use it more than any other I own. You have done such a service for the home baker!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to visit. I am very flattered and honored!

    Darius- Oh, man! Get yourself to the store right now and buy some Nutella! You will not be disappointed!

    Manggy- Not blasphemous at all. I feel the same way! Glad you like it!. :)

    Noble Pig- Uh oh! Break out the Lopresser! 😉

    Squawmama- Lol! That’s the spirit! Way to support World Bread Day! 😉

    Nicole- Thanks! These things tend to slip by me too.

    Erin- Thank you! Glad you like it!

    Kevin- Thanks! That’s why I use pistachios a lot - for the pretty color!

    Chocolate Shavings- Thank you very much!

    Judy- Lol! Great pun! Yes, you really would love this book.

    Steamy- Thanks! Nutella is my secret lover! 😉

    EB- HeeHee! I love to live dangerously! 😉

    Ginny- Thanks!

    Heather- Oh yeah! It really was amazing!

    Zoe- Thank you so much! I’m so glad you like it! Your recipes are so versatile - you can do just about anything with them and they turn out great!

    SavoryTv- Thank you and welcome!

    FFichiban- Melty and Oozy are cousins to Sticky, Gooey,Creamy and Chewy! 😉

    Freya- Thanks!

    Christine- You’ll love the book, especially with the Holidays coming.

    Peter- …..And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak….. 😉

    MKiHC- You bet. Music is my middle name! 😉

    Mikky- Definitely!

    Nuria- The brioche dough is very easy! You just mix it all up in a bowl. You must try it! Great job on the pie!

    Lisa- Lol! Thanks!

    Nic- Thank you!

    Alexa- Heaven seems to be becoming a theme here, lol! Very appropriate. 😉

  41. On October 17, 2008 at 10:41am, Maria said...

    Ok, that looks over the top amazing!! YUM!

  42. On October 17, 2008 at 11:45am, Karen said...

    Such resourcefulness! It looks absolutely divine!

  43. On October 17, 2008 at 12:13pm, RecipeGirl said...

    Count me in as another one who has never had Nutella. At least I’ve tried the cookbook. Now I need to make some more dough and experiment, as you did, with wonderful fillings! This looks amazing.

  44. On October 17, 2008 at 1:48pm, Indigo said...

    The best thing I’ve seen all day - I’m making this!!

  45. On October 17, 2008 at 2:35pm, Choosy Beggar Tina said...

    I am in love with anything nutella, you know that? I heard that there’s a series of cafes in Italy that sell nothing but nutella based confections, crepes, sandwiches…..the thought gives me sweet dreams at night!

  46. On October 17, 2008 at 3:21pm, Ivy said...

    What a wonderfully diverse bread you have made. Yummers!

  47. On October 17, 2008 at 6:37pm, Isa said...

    Wow, that looks delicious! Though… nutella, pistachios, brioche together seems like a like a little too many calories, ha? Wait, wait… who cares seeing those pictures!? Haha, great recipe. Thanks for sharing

  48. On October 17, 2008 at 11:38pm, Gretchen Noelle said...

    I am sure the Nutella took this bread over the top!!

  49. On October 18, 2008 at 4:02am, Cakelaw said...

    This bread looks soooo good - makes me want to run out and buy a jar of Nutella forthwith so that I can make it.

  50. On October 18, 2008 at 4:30am, Maryann said...

    I love Nutella and pistachios so I’ll be trying this soon! Very nice post Sticky! :)

  51. On October 18, 2008 at 6:11am, The Blonde Duck said...

    That looks wonderful! It looks like it could impress my in-laws, who are coming in a few days. You’ve got perfect timing!

  52. On October 18, 2008 at 7:01am, Susan/Wild Yeast said...

    Susan, I am speechless. Just 100% amazing.

  53. On October 18, 2008 at 7:29am, Grace said...

    sweet dr jekyl and mr hyde, this is sensational! even without knowing what it was (i tend to look at pictures first), i was immediately smitten. the fact that your brioche incorporates both nutella and pistachios makes you my new hero. :)

  54. On October 18, 2008 at 7:48am, alexandra's kitchen said...

    I love Artisan Bread in Five, too! I have yet to make the sweeter, enriched breads, but this post is inspiring. that brioche looks georgeous!

  55. On October 18, 2008 at 1:48pm, FJK said...

    Wow, all my favorite tastes in one bread. I’m going to try it, look into snagging a copy of this cookbook and add you to my links.

    I just found you through your comment on food blog scool. Loved the name, had to check out the blog. So glad I did.

  56. On October 18, 2008 at 9:51pm, Jude said...

    Oh my that looks so rich and decadent. I fell like hopping on a treadmill just looking at it.

  57. On October 18, 2008 at 11:18pm, Nazarina A said...

    May I have another piece, because I have already eaten with my eyes!

  58. On October 19, 2008 at 6:12am, Katrina said...

    Holy Cow! That looks SO good! Great job.

  59. On October 19, 2008 at 6:45am, Kim said...

    Susan, your bread is just exquisite looking. I just don’t think to use pistachios enough and you have inspired me. Thanks!

  60. On October 19, 2008 at 9:23pm, Andrea said...

    Wow, talk about a happy accident! I can’t think of a single better thing to fill with than nutella!

  61. On October 19, 2008 at 9:26pm, Amber said...

    The last photo is just too much to take. Lickable is a good word. And I love your picture, you look like you would be fun to know.

  62. On October 20, 2008 at 9:49am, Patricia Scarpin said...

    I’m so glad you decided to post it! That is a super yummy bread, Susan - I absolutely adore both Nutella and pistachios, what a great way of replacing almond paste!

  63. On October 21, 2008 at 12:59pm, zorra said...

    Susan, I just want to say I love the brioche and your blog, too! :-)

    Thx so much for participating in WBD’08. Hope to see you next year again. Same time, same place.

  64. On October 21, 2008 at 8:02pm, Susan from Food Blogga said...

    This is outrageous! I’m dying for some, please!

  65. On February 18, 2009 at 1:01pm, Doughmesticity said...

    just found your recipe a few weeks ago and tried it. loved it and wanted to say thanks for posting it! i used hazelnuts instead of pistachios (just what i had on hand), but i will def use pistachios next time! thanks again!

  66. On March 11, 2009 at 2:41pm, spatulascorkscrews said...

    Hi There!
    I just finished an article on Nutella and added your link to it. If you’d like me to add your photo to my slideshow let me know?

  67. On March 21, 2010 at 5:19pm, megan said...

    Is there an updated link for the brioche dough? I made this once before and LOVED it but I didn’t save the recipe and now I can’t get to the dough =(

  68. On June 17, 2014 at 10:19pm, West End Market said...

    Hey there! Quick questikn that’s completely off topic. Do you know how too make your site mobile friendly?
    My website looks weird whe viewing from myy iphone4.
    I’m trying to find a template or plugin that might be able to fix
    this issue. If you have any suggestions, please
    share. With thanks!

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Hello and welcome to SGCC! I’m Susan, a professional writer, food columnist, recipe developer, wife, mother, daughter and sister, who used to be a lawyer in a previous life. My love of food comes from a long line of wonderful and creative Italian home cooks who didn’t always have a lot, but knew how to make a lot out of what they had. I hope that you enjoy yourself while you’re here, and visit often! read more >>

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